
SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now…

Remember the SyFy TV-series called Helix from 2014? It’s filled with Predictive Programming.A deadly disease outbreak, Viruses, Spike Proteins, Black Goo (nano/graphene oxide), 5G symbolism, Quarantine (essential workers), Changing DNA by proteins, silly face shields and masks, Order 322 (Freemason) symbolism, IRIS eye/portal symbolism, test everyone (no matter how inaccurate), ventilators, “the want to change us from the inside out”, the “cure” is untested on humans (starting to sound familiar yet?) Thank you EntertheStars […]

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now… Read the Full Article »


5G – “new” technology or a psy-op?

My feeling has always been that “5G” is a psychological operation (psy-op). The Parasites, aka., the ‘Elite’, do not want faster communications for the slave masses. They actually want to slow it down, and Internet will soon be under attack; as I wrote in my post about the upcoming simulation “Cyber Polygon 2021” on “Cyber Plandemics” by the goons at The World Economic Forum – the same evildoers that gave us ‘Event 201’ a

5G – “new” technology or a psy-op? Read the Full Article »

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