
Fake Report Warns of Fake Climate Change and its Fictional Impact on Health

In early 2021 I warned several times that the Climate Change Hoax Agenda would resurface with vengeance in 2021. And now it has.We’ve seen multiple man-made weather-warfare catastrophes hit on an escalating and continuous basis since around May/June of 2021.And now, they have made up some silly report warning us of the ‘severe impact’ of “climate change” on human health. The article says: “The report said during a 6 month period in 2020, 51.6 […]

Fake Report Warns of Fake Climate Change and its Fictional Impact on Health Read the Full Article »

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29

How nice of them to wait with this until mid-autumn, the perfect transition between seasons just before our natural cleaning and detoxification process occurs in most people that are toxic. Yes, unless you are a sleeping brainwashed little sheep, you should know by now that the germ- and virus theory is just that, a theory, and a fraudulent one at that. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist as a contagion.

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29 Read the Full Article »

Still not ONE SINGLE PROOF of a Virus!

86 health/science FOI’s institutions globally had all failed to provide or cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever. Below is a list of the institutions. Click this link to see the actual responses: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/ And here is some similar information from Dr. Robert Young:https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/freedom-of-information-responses-on-cov-2 1 Australia University of Western Australia – home of Gates-funded researcher Christine Carson 2 Australia ACT Government (Government of the Australian Capital Territory) / Canberra Health Services

Still not ONE SINGLE PROOF of a Virus! Read the Full Article »

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health

Understanding the terrain theory/biological terrain is not only about realizing that there are no contagious diseases, that bacteria is essential to life, and that sickness can only come from within – it’s most importantly about letting go of fear and worries.I realized this when the terrain theory led me to German New Medicine. Back in 2017, I still believed most of what Western “Modern” Medicine preaches, including the germ theory. This was when my

Why Understanding the Biological Terrain is so Important for Health Read the Full Article »

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now…

Remember the SyFy TV-series called Helix from 2014? It’s filled with Predictive Programming.A deadly disease outbreak, Viruses, Spike Proteins, Black Goo (nano/graphene oxide), 5G symbolism, Quarantine (essential workers), Changing DNA by proteins, silly face shields and masks, Order 322 (Freemason) symbolism, IRIS eye/portal symbolism, test everyone (no matter how inaccurate), ventilators, “the want to change us from the inside out”, the “cure” is untested on humans (starting to sound familiar yet?) Thank you EntertheStars

SyFy TV-Series Helix from 2014 is Happening Now… Read the Full Article »

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients

I’ve touched on this in earlier posts about the fake Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Your body need all essential nutrients to function properly. You cannot ‘super-load’ a nutrient in hope to get a ‘stronger effect’, not unless you are severely deficient. But even if you are deficient, you can only “load up” until saturation. And that if your body recognize the nutrient you try to supplement with, if taken as a supplement that

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients Read the Full Article »

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life

It’s time to unlearn all the pseudoscience and lies you’ve been spoon-fed since pre-school. I studied western medicine for about 17 years and it only gave me more questions than answers and almost killed me. Then I found the Terrain Theory and finally everything made sense and I recovered my health in just a few months – and I’ve helped many clients regain theirs and to get rid of modern diseases. One very important

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life Read the Full Article »

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple?

As this mass hysteria about non-existing viruses and fake pandemics sweeps the world, I see a lot of posts about vitamin C and its ‘potential’ to ‘cure’ colds and ‘help’ your immune system against a ‘flu’.While it seems to help against colds in experiments, taking extra vitamin C is a really, really bad idea. I touched on this in my articles ‘the antioxidant scam’ and ‘more on skin care and the misinformation about Vitamin

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple? Read the Full Article »

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