Cyber Threat

What Are They Planning? Chinese Hackers Galore!

Freemason and FBI Director Christopher Wray was back in the “news” on January 31, 2024, warning us about Chinese hackers “preparing” to “wreak havoc” on “US critical infrastructure.” On December 5, 2023, Wray warned us that the “Terror Alert” was at an “All-Time High,” which since then has been hinted on and off in the media and been reinforced by stories and upcoming movies about ‘civil war.’Again, this is all predictive programming to condition […]

What Are They Planning? Chinese Hackers Galore! Read the Full Article »

Microsoft Claims it was Breached by Haxxors Lapsus$ on 3/22

It’s been a while since we had an outburst of silly hacker stories. We had several in June and July of 2021, then one in October when Facebook went down. Actually, Microsoft was allegedly hacked by Nobelium in late May last year. These hacker- and ‘cyber-attack’ stories seem to pop up in intervals, especially as World Economic Forum and their hacker-simulation event ‘Cyber Polygon’ approaches. This year’s Cyber Polygon will be on July 8.

Microsoft Claims it was Breached by Haxxors Lapsus$ on 3/22 Read the Full Article »

Cyberattack Programming as the Theatre of War Continues – and a Rant About Our Future

CBS News ’60 minutes,’ aka., ‘an hour of lies you’ll never get back,’ covered the ‘vulnerability’ of the U.S. electric grid in face of Russian hacker-attacks. They go on about the staged and fake war in Ukraine and how the sneaky Russians could shut down Ukraine’s power grid, leaving its populace without light, heat, refrigeration, water, phones, and internet. Then they go on about how Russia already proven themselves in their ability to use

Cyberattack Programming as the Theatre of War Continues – and a Rant About Our Future Read the Full Article »

Germany Cyber Hoax

German Cyber-Security Watchdog Confirms the country’s first Cyber-Catastrophe

Only a couple of days after World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon simulation, German “Cyber-Security” Watchdog cries about the country’s first “Cyber-Catastrophe”. Yes, “Cyber-Catastrophe” as in CC, or 33, as in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry 33. Could it be any more OBVIOUSLY STAGED? Come on people, wakey, wakey!And there sure are a lot of C’s in that headline, jeez. Funny thing is, this supposedly happened on Tuesday, July 6. As most of the fabricated

German Cyber-Security Watchdog Confirms the country’s first Cyber-Catastrophe Read the Full Article »

Coop Fake Attack

The Fake “Cyber Attacks” in Sweden – All Staged as Part of Their Agenda

This will be very quick, as I’m currently taking a break from internet and social media for a few days. Worst “affected” was the grocery chain stores named Coop. Coop: 22, 59IT-attack (Cyber Attack): 22, 59 Coop experienced problems on Friday evening and had to close most of their stores all over Sweden during Saturday, July 3, 2021. July 2 = 7/2/2021 = 7+2+2+0+2+1 = 14Coop: 14, 14 July 2 = 7/2 = 72Cyber

The Fake “Cyber Attacks” in Sweden – All Staged as Part of Their Agenda Read the Full Article »

Tesla 33 ritual

Testa recalls 300,000 cars in Masonic Ritual by the Numbers – hinting at things to come

At a first glance, this story is very blatantly coded. Let’s start with the method they usually use in short TV clips and reports where space is limited for text.This concerns Tesla Model 3 and they write ‘300,000’, where we always remove the zeroes. Thus, we get a 33 Freemasonry connection. Also, the Tesla “Model 3” is already a ‘33’ as you flip the ‘M’ in Model to get a ‘3’. The reason for

Testa recalls 300,000 cars in Masonic Ritual by the Numbers – hinting at things to come Read the Full Article »

Microsoft, SolarWinds, and Nobelium hackers. More predictive programming for things to come?

From the media: “The hackers behind one of the worst data breaches ever to hit the US government have launched a new global cyberattack on more than 150 government agencies, think tanks and other organizations, according to Microsoft. The group, which Microsoft calls “Nobelium,” targeted 3,000 email accounts at various organizations this week — most of which were in the United States, the company said in a blog post Thursday.” 3,000 email accounts? 3

Microsoft, SolarWinds, and Nobelium hackers. More predictive programming for things to come? Read the Full Article »

Evil Klaus Schwab

World Economic Forum’s Cyber Pandemic 2021 Simulation

Deeply coded as part of their Agenda 21 and 2030 I’ve posted earlier about World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon 2021. This ‘exercise’ will simulate a fictional cyber-attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.” In my old post, I wrote, “This will most likely be their next step towards total control and a ‘reset’ of the economic system.”World Economic Forum was

World Economic Forum’s Cyber Pandemic 2021 Simulation Read the Full Article »

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