Club of Rome

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 3

This is the third part of many where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation, keeping you running in circles — or how they are hiding what is going on behind operations that are intended to look like conspiracies.The previous two parts can be found here: Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part […]

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 3 Read the Full Article »

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1

This will be a little series of articles where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation. Before we dive into the list, let’s do a quick recap of how the world actually works. What most people think is real and what they believe is going on in the world, is actually most of the time staged, scripted and

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

War Games: Simulation Foreshadows War with China in 2026

This War Game Simulation was a big headline yesterday, and it’s interesting in more ways than one. Back in July 1st, 2021, I wrote a post on the interpretation of the phrase ‘Dark Winter’ where I speculated about a staged and fake war – either between China and Taiwan or Russia and Ukraine. Because of the silly staged pandemic and covid-narrative out of China, I thought that conflict as most likely. However, they went

War Games: Simulation Foreshadows War with China in 2026 Read the Full Article »

How the World is Run – A Simple Look at the Control Structure of Your ‘Reality’

I will try and keep this as simple and short as possible, as I’ve touched on this numerous times, and in all honesty, no matter how much research you do, you will never get to the ‘100% truth’ and expose everything. Still, with all the research that has been done in the last 60 years or so by independent truth-seekers, we do have a pretty good understanding. First, I assume that most of you

How the World is Run – A Simple Look at the Control Structure of Your ‘Reality’ Read the Full Article »

The NATO Theatre – Sweden to Follow Finland?

Yesterday, the Swedish Prime Minister and Jesuit-controlled puppet Magdalena Andersson announced her party’s support for Sweden to apply to join NATO. This is of course inline with Agenda 2030 and part of the fake pandemic and the staged war in Ukraine. The brainwashed and dumbed down sheep of Sweden are still frightened from the extremely silly and faked coronavirus pandemic, and now recently by the even worse staged and fabricated “war” in Ukraine. A

The NATO Theatre – Sweden to Follow Finland? Read the Full Article »

Jobless Benefit Claims Allegedly Matched 1968 Low

“Initial claims for jobless benefits fell to 166,000 in the week ended April 2, adjusted for seasonal swings, the Labor Department reported Thursday. That was far fewer than the 200,000 or so claims that economists had predicted. It also matches the number of first-time claims from the week ended March 19, which was the lowest level since November 1968, after revisions.” After revisions? As in making everything up since they follow date-numerology and gematria-based

Jobless Benefit Claims Allegedly Matched 1968 Low Read the Full Article »

China Does Not Control President Biden and has Nothing to do with Afghanistan

Concerning comments about China on my posts about Afghanistan NO! China has nothing to do with this. China do not control Biden or anyone (LOL!) That is Trump and Q-tard nonsense for the semi-woke sheep. Stop thinking in line with their narrative – that it’s countries against countries, governments against governments, politician against politicians, people against people. That is the fake reality they portray.The world is ruled by the 13 ancient Black-Nobility families and

China Does Not Control President Biden and has Nothing to do with Afghanistan Read the Full Article »

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit

Being only slightly aware isn’t good enough! As people slowly wake up to the reality of our world, how it is being held hostage by the top of the power pyramid, sometimes referred to as ‘the 13 families’ (actually families from the Babylonian/Roman Empire) and their parasites within their secret societies (the Cabals), and that EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, the awakening can take many different roads. Some lead into the

Being Diet Aware. Deep State, White Hats, and Q/QAnon-Bullshit Read the Full Article »

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