COP27 – The Logotype and The Illumination of The Khafre Pyramid

Let’s just kill off the big lie right away – there is no such thing as “climate change,” that is a century old hoax, part of their enslavement agenda. To make this seem real, and to push this satanic agenda, the puppets on the world stage arrange this evil gathering called “United Nations Climate Change Conference” or “Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC,” more commonly referred to as COP. That’s a lot of […]

COP27 – The Logotype and The Illumination of The Khafre Pyramid Read the Full Article »

Democrats Maintain Control of Senate in Catherine Cortez Masto Ritual, All by the Numbers

As I said in my last article about Donald Trump campaigning by the numbers in Ohio – voting is the illusion of control, it is the equivalent of choosing between two puppets controlled by the same puppet master, and by participating in their ritual by voting, you give them your consent to continue with the theatre. Actually, I’ve been saying that since the late 90’s, but most people are still trapped in the illusion,

Democrats Maintain Control of Senate in Catherine Cortez Masto Ritual, All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

The Indian Morbi Bridge Collapsed by the Numbers — Updated

This Sunday, the day after the staged and fake ‘Seoul Halloween Crowd Surge,’ we have a bridge collapsing in India, allegedly killing at least 134 people. Again, what happened and if or how many got injured or killed is impossible to say. All we can say with certainty is that the event was scripted and carried out all by the numbers. The 233-meters long bridge in question had only re-opened last week after a

The Indian Morbi Bridge Collapsed by the Numbers — Updated Read the Full Article »

U.K.’s New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, The First of Color, at Age 42

United Kingdom has had a tough ride as of late with comedy actor and Muppet-look-alike Boris Johnson, with the planned ritualistic death of Queen Elizabeth II, neatly followed by the Queen-Bridge ritual of Liz Truss being Prime Minister for only 44 days, and now followed by another Illuminati-puppet in Risihi Sunak and, as the media so racially puts it, the first man of ‘color.’ Rishi Sunak was born on May 12, 1980, which makes

U.K.’s New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, The First of Color, at Age 42 Read the Full Article »

Hurricane Roslyn to Make Landfall in Mexico – More Weather Warfare?

Mexican emergency officials were rushing to finish preparations on Saturday as Hurricane Roslyn, a powerful Category 4 storm, churned toward tourist zones along the country’s Pacific coast with expected landfall by Sunday morning. Roslyn was forecast to move north on Saturday as it approached west-central Mexico before making landfall along the coast of Nayarit state on Sunday morning, bringing damaging winds, a major storm surge and significant coastal flooding. So, is this another weather

Hurricane Roslyn to Make Landfall in Mexico – More Weather Warfare? Read the Full Article »

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries?

This media report begins with a fabricated sob story of an alleged 15-month-old child coughing and not acting like her normal self. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book of writing, to get insecure and weak-minded parents emotionally involved so that they will be easier to program and act upon the false and extremely dangerous information provided after the moving introduction.However, if you actually know anything about how the media and the

More Virus Programming Targeted at Children — Coverup of Vaccine Injuries? Read the Full Article »

Scripted Programming: Radioactive Material at Missouri Elementary School

One of the scripts they have been running lately in the media and the “news” is that of a nuclear war. This programming started shortly after they staged the fake computer-generated war in Ukraine with actor Zelenskyy saying that the world should be prepared for nuclear war. A few days after that, the other actor, Putin was said to have mobilized his ‘Satan II’ nuclear missiles. Of course, nothing transpired from that. Then we

Scripted Programming: Radioactive Material at Missouri Elementary School Read the Full Article »

Alleged “Serial Killer” Arrested as Netflix’s Shit-Show ‘Dahmer’ Has Been Programming the Sheeple

And the circle of scripts continues. In the 80’s and early 90’s we had ‘serial killers’ roaming the news and tv-shows to keep people in fear and suspicious of each other. Then that script was changed in the early 90’s to terrorists who liked to hijack and blow-up things, especially towers. Once that script had run its course with new surveillance laws in place, they turned to school- and mass-shootings. And now, lo and

Alleged “Serial Killer” Arrested as Netflix’s Shit-Show ‘Dahmer’ Has Been Programming the Sheeple Read the Full Article »

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