Search Results for: toxic load damage

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density

“People are stressed out and exhausted. The past two and a half years, full of public health crises, recession and inflation…” Well, I can almost agree with that reasoning. A lot of people are stressed out, exhausted and financially broken after living through the staged and fake pandemic and the increases in living cost from manipulated and rigged price increases of electricity, gasoline, and food. And even worse, people have been conditioned and brainwashed […]

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density Read the Full Article »

Shill Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Dead Just Days After Dr. Carrie Madej Plane Crash

It seems that they are trying to validate dangerous and idiotic practices like using ‘Ivermectin’ and ‘hydroxychloroquine’ while desperately trying to keep the virus lie alive. These shills, these Controlled Opposition, are used to herd those slowly waking up and realizing that the vaccines are pure poison, used to sterilize, maim and kill us. This is very clever and part of the strategy to always control both sides of an argument, both sides of

Shill Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Dead Just Days After Dr. Carrie Madej Plane Crash Read the Full Article »

Fat Loss Made Simple – Forget About Calories and Cardio

In October 2006, almost 16 years ago, I wrote an extremely controversial, yet very important article called ‘Cardio Sucks’ for the Swedish leading Bodybuilding and Fitness Magazine ‘Body.’ It actually did some impact on clueless athletes and coaches here in Sweden, but in the big scenario of things, not much has changed since I wrote that and countless of other articles on similar topics. I still see people focusing on the completely wrong things,

Fat Loss Made Simple – Forget About Calories and Cardio Read the Full Article »

The Infant/Baby Formula Propaganda and Programming

I guess most people have seen the headlines during the few last weeks about a shortage of infant/baby formula – and the ritual of Germany sending 35 tons to the US this last Sunday. This shortage is fabricated and the reason behind this is the ongoing agenda to weaken our population and make it dependent on their fake ‘modern medicine’ and pharmaceuticals. If you understand anything about biology and physiology, this is very logical

The Infant/Baby Formula Propaganda and Programming Read the Full Article »

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might

Once again, I see diet-woke truthers jumping on anything put out by controlled opposition that is ‘anti-vaccine’ without any kind of rational or logical thinking behind sharing such nonsense. While ALL vaccines are useless, dangerous, and nonsensical, there still is no such thing as a virus! Yes, vaccine makers such as AstraZeneca claims that they use another virus, of the Chimpanzee-adenovirus family, that has been modified to contain the gene for making a protein

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might Read the Full Article »

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery

There is actually one positive thing about this absurdity, and that is that I see a lot more people on social media actually laughing and pointing out how fabricated and fake this “Monkeypox” outbreak is. More and more people are waking up, more and more are questioning the narrative, and many have had enough of the lies and deceit. For the last couple of days, this monkey business has been lurking in the media

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery Read the Full Article »

Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast? Part 1 of 2

We’ve been told by the lying establishment and the Rockefeller pseudoscience of ‘modern medicine’ that fasting is starvation and therefore bad. Of course, anyone who have looked into it know that fasting is the best and quickest way to detoxify and heal pretty much anything, and most importantly, a way to extend your lifespan. However, among those who know this, we still have people telling us that ‘dry fasting’ is bad and dangerous. This

Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast? Part 1 of 2 Read the Full Article »

Dental Health — Cavities: Why we get them and how to repair them

Let’s start with the basics of tooth health and decay – your nutritional status, as proven by Weston A. Price about 100-years ago, when he spent years on remote locations living with different primitive tribes where he examined their nutritional status and health. He soon discovered that not only were they never sick, they also had perfect teeth with zero cavities among all the populace. Most of them consumed an almost 100% carnivorous diet

Dental Health — Cavities: Why we get them and how to repair them Read the Full Article »

Mis/Disinformation and Misunderstandings That Need to Die in 2022

1. Misunderstanding: Food is Medicine“Medicine” indicates that there is something “nonsurgical” to treat or cure that the body would not be able to fix itself. However, there are no ‘diseases’ in nature. Only poisoning and effects of toxicity or trauma. And as far as food is concerned, only malnutrition. Food is sustenance to make sure our body can work as intended. Food in itself does not treat or cure anything; but it is necessary

Mis/Disinformation and Misunderstandings That Need to Die in 2022 Read the Full Article »

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless

If you understand that the germ theory is nothing more than a profitable lie, a scare tactic to push the ludicrous idea that you can catch an illness such as a cold or the flu, then you should also understand that the entire concept of transmittable diseases is false. You do not “catch” a disease, you only experience symptoms from the process of eliminating toxins and healing your body – which is done by

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless Read the Full Article »

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