Search Results for: monkeypox virus

Michael Obama Wishes Barack a Happy Birthday: ‘You Always Make Me Proud’

So, transvestite, man turned “woman,” known as “Michelle” Obama wrote in a tribute to his partner Barack, which went viral in the media, that “you always make me proud.” Now, if a phrase gets plastered all over the fake media, we know that it is coded. First off, Barack’s birthday was on August 4, like 8/4, or 84. Not that many words or phrases sums to 84. However, this one does in perfect synchronization […]

Michael Obama Wishes Barack a Happy Birthday: ‘You Always Make Me Proud’ Read the Full Article »

This Week at Ungovernable

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating, or even better, join our community — the only place on the internet where I take part in discussions and answer questions every single day. And speaking of our uncensored online community, below are a few gleanings from the past week and the most popular posts and topics. WHO has called for a sex shutdown because of fake monkeypox virus.  Our fake history, no Dark Ages,

This Week at Ungovernable Read the Full Article »

The Fake ‘Transmittable’ Disease Scare Continues, Aimed at Parents and Children as Second Pandemic Looms

In tandem with the extremely coded and fabricated story I decoded and wrote about on October 22 about RSV, CNN and other media outlets now ramp up their ‘disease’ programming as the winter approaches and as people, and especially children, develop detoxification symptoms as they always do during this part of the year – a clever strategy which make their lies seem more real.As you can see in the featured image taken from CNN,

The Fake ‘Transmittable’ Disease Scare Continues, Aimed at Parents and Children as Second Pandemic Looms Read the Full Article »

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated

Yes, here we go again. As I wrote on October 8, super-fake Covid-1984 is making a comeback this winter. And as of yesterday, we have another invented and scripted variant of something that does not exist. And the mockery never ends! Now we have an X-variant for X-mas! Yes, I kid you not! The paid “science”-shills are that silly! The hysterical media says that this new ‘XBB’ is part of a ‘new class’ of

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated Read the Full Article »

Comeback for COVAIDS-1984? Europe and U.S. Hints of New Fakery

All since they switched the script at the start of, ‘The Year of the Tiger,’ in February with the silly staged and fake CGI-war in Ukraine, poor little covaids-1984 has been put on the back burner. Instead, we had some over-the-top juvenile attempts to keep the programming of invisible contagious boogeymen alive by the reintroduction of Monkeypox and even Polio. However, those attempts were so half-hearted that they simply dissolved like a fart in

Comeback for COVAIDS-1984? Europe and U.S. Hints of New Fakery Read the Full Article »

No End to the Insanity: FDA Authorizes Pfizer and Moderna’s Updated Covid-19 Boosters

The biggest fraud, deception and physical attack on the world population continues. We’re closing in on 2023 and the fake plan-demic still has a hold on the majority of the dumbed down sleeping masses. And to keep the mass-hypnosis going, the satanic evil pharmaceutical companies march on with “updated” poison in small bottles to be injected in the upper arms of the gullible sheep. It’s like a really bad and very sinister horror movie.

No End to the Insanity: FDA Authorizes Pfizer and Moderna’s Updated Covid-19 Boosters Read the Full Article »

CDC Announces Reorganization to Allegedly ‘Restore Public Trust’

The story goes that this reform follow a period of ‘review and introspection’ at the CDC, especially after what they say was significant stumbles in their response to the (staged and utterly fake) Covid-19 Pandemic. To quote the director Rochelle Walensky, “for 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for Covid-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations.” Note that she and the article writers had to

CDC Announces Reorganization to Allegedly ‘Restore Public Trust’ Read the Full Article »

World HELL Organization Declares Monkey-HOAX-Pox a “Global” Health Emergency by The Numbers – Updated!

It comes at no surprise that WHO declared the Monkey-Hoax-Pox a “global” health emergency today after the silly story about two children catching this made-up fantasy disease yesterday, as I decoded this morning: I will not go into any deep decoding of this, since it’s so extremely retarded and obviously fake as f**k. Just to give you the basics, as I posted earlier today on our uncensored community, the WHO declared monkey-hoax-pox a

World HELL Organization Declares Monkey-HOAX-Pox a “Global” Health Emergency by The Numbers – Updated! Read the Full Article »

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming

While we have been ‘distracted’ and mentally teared down with psy-ops and false flags such as the fake war in Ukraine, daily shootings (and even bombings,) while the cost of living have slowly gone up every month and food-farms and facilities have been burning, they have also been working hard in the shadows to prepare another staged and totally fake pandemic.Question is, will it be another imaginary strain of ‘CONvid-19,’ or will they use

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming Read the Full Article »

The End of Germ Theory

New excellent video by Spacebusters that summarize what I have written during the last 4 years. 00:01:21 Dr Rosenau / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments00:08:14 Goat Island / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments00:10:32 Johns Hopkins / Dr Sellard failed Measles contagion experiments, Dr. Alfred F Hess failed Chicken Pox varicella contagion experiments00:12:25 NY State Health Department / US Public health Service failed Polio contagion experiments00:15:13 Dr. Eleanor McBean vaccination caused Spanish

The End of Germ Theory Read the Full Article »

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