Search Results for: know your poison

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless

If you understand that the germ theory is nothing more than a profitable lie, a scare tactic to push the ludicrous idea that you can catch an illness such as a cold or the flu, then you should also understand that the entire concept of transmittable diseases is false. You do not “catch” a disease, you only experience symptoms from the process of eliminating toxins and healing your body – which is done by […]

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless Read the Full Article »

Swollen lymph nodes after a vaccine booster

The article claims the following: “Some people who recently got a booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine are noticing swollen lymph nodes.Don’t panic, doctors say. Swollen lymph nodes caused by vaccination are temporary, harmless and a sign that the vaccine is working.” Then they go on and blatantly lie: “After a vaccine shot to the arm, lymph nodes in the armpit area can sometimes swell as the immune system is activated and builds an army

Swollen lymph nodes after a vaccine booster Read the Full Article »

“Studies” confirm waning immunity from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine

The pseudoscientists are at it again. To quote from the garbage they call a “news story”: “Two real-world studies published Wednesday confirm that the immune protection offered by two doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine drops off after two months or so, although protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death remains strong.” Real-world studies? Okay. So, fabricated lies from some hospital instead of a research facility with paid shills trying to fill an agenda. And

“Studies” confirm waning immunity from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine Read the Full Article »

Pills to treat non-existent Covid

“We’re talking about a return to, maybe, normal life”, the headline reads. This ridiculous pill-thing was mentioned earlier this year, and it might be their ‘plan B’ to get some of those “vaccine hesitant” to pop a pill instead of taking the death jab. But be sure, that pill will be just as toxic and laden with graphene oxide as the zombie-shots. The fabricated and extremely silly story, mention a ‘Miranda Kelly’, 44 years

Pills to treat non-existent Covid Read the Full Article »

J&J LIE about their Boosters in more Brainwashing Propaganda – And a Lesson in Disease

The clowns of the pseudoscience known as ‘modern medicine’ continues with their lies and deceit. This time it’s Johnson & Johnson claiming that their booster shot prompts large increase in immune response. Well, first of all you degenerate puppets, we do not have an “immune system”. An “immune system”, as defined by your pseudoscience, requires an outside and invisible attacker. That is fantasy that goes against biology and has been debunked thousands of times

J&J LIE about their Boosters in more Brainwashing Propaganda – And a Lesson in Disease Read the Full Article »

Fake Statistics with a Jesuit and Biblical Claim of “201 million” Americans Vaccinated to Push Their Deadly Propaganda

A “study”, which means something fabricated they put some puppets name on, claim that as of Monday, more than 201 million Americans have received at least one shot of the maiming, sterilizing and deadly Covid-19 vaccine, with over 171 million fully vaccinated. 201 is the Jesuit number, what a coincidence! The same fake “study” also claim that ‘unvaccinated’ people are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with “Covid” than vaccinated. Well, thank God

Fake Statistics with a Jesuit and Biblical Claim of “201 million” Americans Vaccinated to Push Their Deadly Propaganda Read the Full Article »

NYC Indoor Totalitarian Vaccine Mandate in Effect

In the shadows of the staged Jesuit and CIA Taliban-theatre-act in Afghanistan, the New York City’s indoor vaccine mandate went into effect Tuesday, making it the first major U.S. city to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to eat or drink inside bars and restaurants. The new requirement, which applies to everyone 12 and older, doesn’t just apply to dining but includes nearly every public indoor activity, from gyms to bowling alleys to

NYC Indoor Totalitarian Vaccine Mandate in Effect Read the Full Article »

Fully Vaccinated People Still Transmit the Virus – According to CDC chief

You know, that virus that has never been isolated, proven to exist or to be a contagion, just like every fabricated virus in history, can now, like magic, infect just about anything – a papaya, motor oil, a rock, and even a fully vaccinated sheep!Can you believe that?! This reality-show we’re living in gets more absurd by the day, and it’s all by design. Cleverly planned and executed – and they know the majority

Fully Vaccinated People Still Transmit the Virus – According to CDC chief Read the Full Article »

Catt in Staged News

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant

Anyone who has done some research know that viruses do not exist as portrayed by the fake Rockefeller Medical Establishment and the pseudoscience of virology. There is no contagion and there is no variants of something that does not exist. Simple logic – and more and more people are waking up, realizing this. So, to combat this awakening they need to constantly put out their fabricated propaganda. Every single day! Being a “celebrity” and

How “celebrities” are used for Propaganda. Sell-Out and False Idol Catt Sadler Warns of Fake Delta Variant Read the Full Article »

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