Search Results for: antioxidants

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained

As you might know, I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-, Sports-, Supplement-, and Pharmaceutical Industry as both a Coach/Trainer, Scientist, Educator, Writer/Author, and Editor in Chief for more than 28 years combined. I began coaching in the early 90’s, and I still do. However, I left the industries all together in 2017 when I faced death from tumors and failing organs, and then learned that everything I thought I knew about nutrition, supplements, […]

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained Read the Full Article »

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time

This will be an addition to my ‘What is Really Most Important for Health?’ article from a month ago. In that article, I listed ‘Diet/Nutrition,’ as in our natural homo sapiens species-appropriate and species-specific diet of 100% animal-based nutrition, also known as the carnivore diet, as the most important factor for health. That is an undisputable fact.I also listed ‘strategic and planned fasting’ for accelerating healing, repair, and detoxification. The third point touched on

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time Read the Full Article »

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods

While checking a couple of websites this early morning, I just happened to see that an online publication and supplement company recently released an ‘updated’ formula of their “superfood.” Yes, these toxic ‘greens’ powders are still a thing. Gullible people within the Fitness industry make smoothies or put it in their protein shakes believing that they are healthy. Vegans drink them by the gallons in hope to nourish their malnourished, decaying, and dying bodies.

”Superfoods” are Actually Highly Toxic Sh*t Foods Read the Full Article »

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients

I’ve touched on this in earlier posts about the fake Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Your body need all essential nutrients to function properly. You cannot ‘super-load’ a nutrient in hope to get a ‘stronger effect’, not unless you are severely deficient. But even if you are deficient, you can only “load up” until saturation. And that if your body recognize the nutrient you try to supplement with, if taken as a supplement that

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients Read the Full Article »

November 2, 2020. Training update!

Another little update for the nosy bastards. It’s been 9 days or so since the fast. I’ve been at the gym for 8 of them and my morning weight is now at 77.6 kg (171 lbs.) – so up another 1.6 kg in 5 days. And my evening weight is closing in on 79 kg. My body is like a sponge. Therefore, I will change my nutritional strategy a bit before I get too

November 2, 2020. Training update! Read the Full Article »

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple?

As this mass hysteria about non-existing viruses and fake pandemics sweeps the world, I see a lot of posts about vitamin C and its ‘potential’ to ‘cure’ colds and ‘help’ your immune system against a ‘flu’.While it seems to help against colds in experiments, taking extra vitamin C is a really, really bad idea. I touched on this in my articles ‘the antioxidant scam’ and ‘more on skin care and the misinformation about Vitamin

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple? Read the Full Article »

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive?

Vegetable oils, or more correctly, highly processed seed oils, might be the most toxic food additive there is, and it’s found in almost every man-made food. The history of vegetable oils goes way back to the late 1800’s and the manufacturing of soap and candles. In 1870, when crude oil was first discovered and replaced cottonseed oil as fuel for lamps, Procter and Gamble decided to use the unwanted and cheap cottonseed oil instead

Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive? Read the Full Article »

More on Skin Care and the Misinformation About Vitamin C

Vitamin C has mainly three effects on the body. It up-regulates different collagen genes, it’s an antioxidant, and it competes with glucose at the glut-4 receptor. However, sun exposure, vitamin A (animal: retinol), and vitamin K2 (animal: MK4) also up-regulates these collagen genes and many more, rendering vitamin C unnecessary for collagen production (skin, hair, nails, joints, etc.). So, you can only get scurvy if you lack these fat-soluble vitamins. If you get these

More on Skin Care and the Misinformation About Vitamin C Read the Full Article »

Carbohydrates are NOT our body’s preferred fuel

Anyone who at least has glanced at nutritional science should know that carbohydrates are non-essential. Carbohydrates are nothing more than an alternative emergency energy source. As humans, we are designed to function at peak efficiency without them. We are obligate hyper carnivores and we thrive on animal fats. Unfortunately, the misconception that carbohydrates are our ‘preferred’ fuel has been so ingrained in most of us, that we believe it to be a universal truth

Carbohydrates are NOT our body’s preferred fuel Read the Full Article »

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 1

Another modern disease on the rise By Joachim Bartoll, October 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #24, 2016 The belief that myopia, or nearsightedness, is hereditary is so widespread that hardly no one questions it. If you find it difficult to see or focus on faraway objects, you’ll probably be given a prescription for glasses. As with doctors prescribing drugs to combat symptoms, your eye doctor isn’t interested in finding out the true underlying cause

The Epidemic of Nearsightedness, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

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