Search Results for: climate change

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers

This story comes at a perfect time when the world is experiencing a staged and totally fake energy crisis. And not only that, like all ‘discoveries’ and big ‘breakthroughs’ they are coded and presented by the numbers covered by little stinky Jesuit and Freemasonic fingerprints. That alone make you wonder how much truth there are to these “scientific” breakthroughs, or if they are real at all? As for electricity, the model and idea we […]

“Scientists” Claim Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

This Week at Ungovernable

It’s been about 6 weeks since I last mentioned our uncensored community I’ve still been occupied with an ongoing family emergency which has been taking its toll on my recovery and my battle with mental fatigue (the lingering effects from the tumor in 2018.) Still, I put out 41 articles in October and we’re currently at 29 for November. And as always, I contribute daily at will also be back in some

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More Celebrity Deaths by The Numbers – Power Rangers and Supernatural Actors

It’s almost like clockwork now. A few celebrity deaths put in between the other big hoaxes on the news, like the extremely fake Halloween stampede in Seoul or the staged and fake shooting at the Q Club. It’s actually hard to keep up, but when we do, they are all done by the numbers. The other day, Jason David Frank, who played the ‘Green’ Power Ranger called Tommy Oliver, allegedly died of suicide at

More Celebrity Deaths by The Numbers – Power Rangers and Supernatural Actors Read the Full Article »

COP27 – The Logotype and The Illumination of The Khafre Pyramid

Let’s just kill off the big lie right away – there is no such thing as “climate change,” that is a century old hoax, part of their enslavement agenda. To make this seem real, and to push this satanic agenda, the puppets on the world stage arrange this evil gathering called “United Nations Climate Change Conference” or “Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC,” more commonly referred to as COP. That’s a lot of

COP27 – The Logotype and The Illumination of The Khafre Pyramid Read the Full Article »

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated

Yes, here we go again. As I wrote on October 8, super-fake Covid-1984 is making a comeback this winter. And as of yesterday, we have another invented and scripted variant of something that does not exist. And the mockery never ends! Now we have an X-variant for X-mas! Yes, I kid you not! The paid “science”-shills are that silly! The hysterical media says that this new ‘XBB’ is part of a ‘new class’ of

Extra Bogus COVID-19 Omicron XBB for X-Mas — Updated Read the Full Article »

Coronation for “King” Charles III set for 5/6, 56 Days After Pandemic Anniversary — Updated

Now they’re really mocking us! King Charles III’s coronation is to be held on Saturday May 6th, as in 5/6 or 6/5, at Westminster Abbey. Yes, the ‘56’-date, the number used throughout the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic. However, that is not all. Remember, the non-existing coronavirus was announced a pandemic by WHO on March 11, 2020. May 6 is exactly 56-days after the anniversary-date of March 11. Could this be any more scripted

Coronation for “King” Charles III set for 5/6, 56 Days After Pandemic Anniversary — Updated Read the Full Article »

Donald Trump Says King Charles III has ‘Got a Great Way About Him’

Yes, that was the headline Mail Online ran with on October 4. And I’m not sure where to start. That’s like a dictionary definition of mocking sarcasm. Perhaps that was Jesuit puppet and actor Donald Trump’s intent, but again, everything they do and say is done by the numbers. And it’s extremely easy to spot these phrases and keywords, especially when the news outlets are told to put them in quotes, in italic or

Donald Trump Says King Charles III has ‘Got a Great Way About Him’ Read the Full Article »

Never Forget What Freedom is, Do Not Accept Their Offer

I’ve covered Agenda 2030 numerous times on this website. Most countries’ governments have signed and agreed to implementing this “sustainable” totalitarian slave system pushed by the UN and WEF. It’s being executed in the shadows of the fake ‘climate crisis’ and the staged and fake plandemic, which is followed by the ‘infodemic’ – the censorship of information and free speech. And now, in 2022, the staged and utterly fake war in Ukraine, which is

Never Forget What Freedom is, Do Not Accept Their Offer Read the Full Article »

This Week at Ungovernable

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating, or even better, join our community and be a part of the awakening — the only place on the internet where I take part in discussions and answer questions every single day. The information we have, and are adding to daily, is invaluable — covering every aspect of life. Ungovernable is also the platform that pay the bills and keep this website totally free and void

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What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Follow-up

First off, this will be a little rant and summary of different theories floating around the ‘net, as well as what is actually going on in our world. It’s a bit of speculation, humor, and seriousness all mixed into one. The first part of this article series is here: Now, there are many agendas that are currently being shoveled in our faces. We have the Climate Change/Crisis Hoax of supposedly melting icecaps and oceans

What are They Planning for Late September/Early October? Follow-up Read the Full Article »

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