Search Results for: 42

Mass Shooting in Plymouth, England – The Jesuit, Boris Johnson, and Francis Bacon Connection

Mass shootings, school shootings, bombings, and “terrorist attacks” are almost always staged false flag operations – or “psy-ops” when serving a bigger agenda. They want to control the narrative and these fake events are used to get excuses and statistics for new legalizations, new restrictions – and of course, to ‘normalize’ violence, so you no longer take notice or even care when something actually happen. There is a reason why gang violence, robberies, and […]

Mass Shooting in Plymouth, England – The Jesuit, Boris Johnson, and Francis Bacon Connection Read the Full Article »

Fully Vaccinated People Still Transmit the Virus – According to CDC chief

You know, that virus that has never been isolated, proven to exist or to be a contagion, just like every fabricated virus in history, can now, like magic, infect just about anything – a papaya, motor oil, a rock, and even a fully vaccinated sheep!Can you believe that?! This reality-show we’re living in gets more absurd by the day, and it’s all by design. Cleverly planned and executed – and they know the majority

Fully Vaccinated People Still Transmit the Virus – According to CDC chief Read the Full Article »

Kelli Hand, music producer, dead by the numbers. Tied to Obama’s birthday and current events.

This is for the people who are somewhat woke and can see. If you’re not there yet, you might want to skip this or your head will spin. If you’re not familiar with the entertainment industry, there are mainly two ways it works. One, you sign a contract forfeiting your name, human rights, and soul for fame and money. You obey your handlers and there is always a price to pay down the road.

Kelli Hand, music producer, dead by the numbers. Tied to Obama’s birthday and current events. Read the Full Article »

Propaganda Story says Thailand is building a Covid-19 hospital, but what is the real purpose?

Here you go! Yet another propaganda piece from the globalist scumbags, trying to put fear in your bones with all these fantasy virus variants that are killing people. No. There is no contagion. There is no virus. That is a BIOLOGICAL impossibility. Do not fall for the lie that is the Rockefeller sponsored Germ Theory and Western Medicine.If people are getting sick and dying, it is from the experimental medical procedure they call Covid-19

Propaganda Story says Thailand is building a Covid-19 hospital, but what is the real purpose? Read the Full Article »

The Emperor Has No Corona

Again, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. It is all a big lie. The emperor has no Corona! All viruses are simply ‘in silico science’, that is, they are made-up models. Back in the day, they were drawings, now they are computer models. As for Covid-19, it’s simply a silly computer-generated model with no basis in reality. If you do not understand this simple concept, you have a lot of

The Emperor Has No Corona Read the Full Article »

Wildfires across Southern Europe, by the numbers

The fires started on Sunday, July 25 – a date with obvious 25 numerology. Same day as London was flooding. Quite obvious that their governments are behind all this, following the script. Always “weather” catastrophes on dates with 52- and 25-numerology. Always! Fire: 25Earth: 25Enlil: 25Flood: 25Death: 25Climate Change: 250 = 25 July 25, 2021 = (7) + (25) + (20) + (21) = 73Global Warming: 73Europe: 73Southern Europe: 73 (Jew Red) July 25,

Wildfires across Southern Europe, by the numbers Read the Full Article »

Still not ONE SINGLE PROOF of a Virus!

86 health/science FOI’s institutions globally had all failed to provide or cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever. Below is a list of the institutions. Click this link to see the actual responses: And here is some similar information from Dr. Robert Young: 1 Australia University of Western Australia – home of Gates-funded researcher Christine Carson 2 Australia ACT Government (Government of the Australian Capital Territory) / Canberra Health Services

Still not ONE SINGLE PROOF of a Virus! Read the Full Article »

THEY ARE MOCKING YOU! Snow Leopard Allegedly Tested Positive for the ‘Rona!

This mocking of the sleeping brainwashed masses simply has no end. They desperately need to invent new stupid, ridiculous lies every day, to reinforce the illusion of a pandemic, the illusion of a contagious virus.I just can’t believe that there are people thinking that this is real. Who read this garbage without a single question, just sitting there nodding like a little sheep dozing off. It’s just incomprehensible. Just for the fun of it,

THEY ARE MOCKING YOU! Snow Leopard Allegedly Tested Positive for the ‘Rona! Read the Full Article »

Evil Satanic Fake News

EVIL PROPAGANDA! They LIE to you! Fake News Claiming 5-year-old Died of Imaginary Covid

Another extremely evil and sinister propaganda piece from the Jesuit-owned media to instill fear and trigger emotions among those lacking in the brain department.And among the fabricated lies, a couple of headlines reads as, “Five-year-old Georgia boy with no underlying health issues dies of Covid”.This is very important, because they are always watching and reading social media trends and what people are talking about. So far, most of those still trapped in the lie

EVIL PROPAGANDA! They LIE to you! Fake News Claiming 5-year-old Died of Imaginary Covid Read the Full Article »

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