Search Results for: nuts seeds toxic

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition

Today we’ll take a look at what the “health-” and medical community recommends for “sustainable weight loss.”The government and Big Pharma shill website ‘Healthline’ recently published an article called, “How Do You Keep Up Weight Loss in a Sustainable Way?” Let’s see what they got right, and what, as usual, is complete bollocks.And be warned, there will be some tough love in this one. They start off with the traditional cliché of telling us […]

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition Read the Full Article »

The Ugly Truth About Resveratrol and Other Phytonutrients

TC Luoma, the co-founder of the fitness- and bodybuilding online-magazine T-Nation, recently posted yet another article shilling for dangerous and useless supplements. This time he hyped one of their Biotest supplements that is based on Resveratrol, a polyphenol.While TC has posted some funny and almost “useful” information throughout the years, it’s hard to tell if he’s simply ignorant and trapped in the pseudo-science of the inverted fake “nutrition science” and that of the bro-science

The Ugly Truth About Resveratrol and Other Phytonutrients Read the Full Article »

Still Got it Backwards: The Truth About Vitamin Drips and IV Therapy

Today we return to T-Nation and an interesting article about receiving micronutrients and “anti-oxidative” agents intravenously (IV.) While the author, Cy Wilson, like 99.9% of all fitness- and health-writers are indoctrinated slaves and get most things backwards, this is a really interesting and important subject – and if you’re familiar with how our physiology actually works, you likely already know where this is going. And yes, I too was a slave trapped in this

Still Got it Backwards: The Truth About Vitamin Drips and IV Therapy Read the Full Article »

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs

As Saturnalia, or “Christmas,” approaches with people finding excuses to shovel toxic life-shortening fat-building crap down their pieholes, Chris Shugart of T-Nation is back with a “One Protein Shake a Day for Muscle” bulking-up article for boys and gals who want to be swole without looking like fat pigs. Always with the f**king artificial man-made crappy protein powders and shakes. Jeez. Shugart begins his article with advocating for a “smarter” bulk approach with gaining

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs Read the Full Article »

You’re Still Completely Wrong About “Weight Loss”

Sima Sistani, CEO of the Freemasonic and health-damaging company WeightWatchers, has of late become well-practiced at saying the three little words of “We were wrong.” That’s a lot of “W’s,” you know, the letter that when flipped counter-clockwise becomes a ‘3,’ symbolic for Freemasonry. Since early October, Sima Sistani has been on the bandwagon of putting the blame on outside and ‘uncontrollable’ factors, just like what the fraudulent “Health Care” industry and the Medical

You’re Still Completely Wrong About “Weight Loss” Read the Full Article »

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients

And here I thought we had put this protein debate to rest. However, the “Chief Content Officer” Chris Shugart, over at T-Nation, managed to find yet another “study” where he, just like the dimwits performing the study, draw some seriously flawed conclusions. Chris begins the article in the typical ‘T-Nation’ fashion with some mocking disguised as humor about telling people who are a little bit ‘too pudgy’ to simply stop ‘eating so damn much.’

No, It’s not About Protein, It’s About Nutrients Read the Full Article »

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science”

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed to respect, listen to, and not question anything from authority figures, preferable in white coats and with a funny name, no matter how stupid or mocking their suggestions or “facts” are. A perfect example of this was the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic where the most indoctrinated puppets put on face diapers, refrained from even meeting or hugging loved ones, lined up 6 feet apart when outside, and even

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science” Read the Full Article »

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy)

While gaining too much muscle is unhealthy, as it is a continuous metabolic stress on the body, and more importantly, the training volume and frequency necessary to gain said muscle mass, is extremely unhealthy and will age you quicker while subtracting years of your life expectancy – however, being a skinny fat and/or underweight and fragile pencil neck is not really healthy either. With that said, any kind of excessive training is very unhealthy,

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy) Read the Full Article »

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time

This will be an addition to my ‘What is Really Most Important for Health?’ article from a month ago. In that article, I listed ‘Diet/Nutrition,’ as in our natural homo sapiens species-appropriate and species-specific diet of 100% animal-based nutrition, also known as the carnivore diet, as the most important factor for health. That is an undisputable fact.I also listed ‘strategic and planned fasting’ for accelerating healing, repair, and detoxification. The third point touched on

The Best and Worst Health Tips of All Time Read the Full Article »

What Makes You Fat?

This topic has been requested for a while. I already have several articles touching this subject, so this will be a simple breakdown and summary. Let’s start with some uncomfortable truths. Being overweight, or worse, being obese, is not natural, it’s not normal, it’s not something we see in nature with other species unless they are to go into hibernation, prepare for a cold winter, or about to migrate to new grazing/hunting areas. In

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