Search Results for: nuts seeds toxic

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic

Again we return to the crappy supplement-driven Iron Magazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might just have the worst track record in the history of “fitness writers.”This time he tried to tackle linoleic acid, a type of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA.) Let’s see if he manages to get something right this time. “Many believe that too much omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation and heart disease. However, it’s important to understand that […]

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic

Today we return to the government- and pharmaceutical shill website ‘Medical News Today,’ operated by the abysmal Healthline and owned by Red Ventures that is financed by Silver Lake Partners, who has its roots in the elite families’ BlackRock. MNT recently posted an article based on a new study where researchers looked at six popular herbs and their liver toxicity. Well, this should be a no-brainer. Herbs are a widespread group of plants with

All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

The Push For Highly Toxic Cacao and Chocolate (And The Deadly Plant-Based Agenda)

Everything that the elites and the industry want to condition you with comes and goes in cycles — and it gets repeated over and over again with a few years apart. Usually the topic returns after they’ve run a fake study they funded, or by the “news” of a start-up company that they also funded themselves, a company that is doing “something different.” It’s all part of the same agenda though; that of keeping

The Push For Highly Toxic Cacao and Chocolate (And The Deadly Plant-Based Agenda) Read the Full Article »

Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals

Here we go again, the shill and government disinformation agent Dr. Joseph Mercola, posing as a ‘free thinker,’ ‘truther’ and medical-rebel, is back with more lies and propaganda about plants and their extremely toxic chemical compounds. Although I’ve covered many defense chemicals (phytonutrients/phytochemicals) and antinutrients in previous articles, I haven’t really touched specifically on terpenoids until now. So, let’s see how Mercola twists, lies, and bullshit you this time. And a fair warning, I

Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals Read the Full Article »

Maternal Toxicity Associated With Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Regulation

Today we return to the shill Dr. Axe and his website that promotes extremely unhealthy diet- and nutritional advice. On occasion, his crew also covers other topics, like this recent study on assessed perinatal factors known to be related to maternal and neonatal inflammation and hypothesized that several would be associated with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dysregulation in youth. As the “researchers” used the word ‘inflammation’ in their description of the objective of the

Maternal Toxicity Associated With Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Regulation Read the Full Article »

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Are Highly Toxic and Dangerous

Today we return to controlled opposition Dr. Axe of Ancient Nutrition, who with the latest article published on his website, written by the clueless Rachael Link, want you to continuously relapse into illness and bad health, so they can sell you on different diets and supplements. Rachael Link, MS, RD, which apparently stands for “Most Stupid and Retarded Dietician,” begins her article with some grains of truth, only to spiral off into the lies

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Are Highly Toxic and Dangerous Read the Full Article »

Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates

The Food Industry-, Big Pharma-, and government shill-site Healthline recently published another propaganda article, trying their best to reinforce the programming and the false “science” of carbohydrates and plant-based slave foods. As you should know, humans are obligate hyper carnivores, which means that our physiology is built and meant for consuming only the flesh and fat of animals, including some of the produce by animals, such as eggs and raw milk.This also means that

Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

Toxic Sugar-Water “Milk” Replacements for Slaves

Muscle & Fitness, once a front-runner in the Bodybuilding- and Fitness industry, but since the 90’s a mainstream publication pushing the elite’s slave agendas, recently published an article about the vile and extremely toxic plant-based “milks.” As you might know, one of the first symptoms of nutrition deficiencies is mental illness, and that is why vegans are obsessed with imitating real animal foods, which they desperately crave, as in pretending to do meat dishes

Toxic Sugar-Water “Milk” Replacements for Slaves Read the Full Article »

Rice is Toxic Slave Food

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding

Rice is Toxic Slave Food Read the Full Article »

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained

Once again, Dr. Axe and his crew exemplifies exactly what controlled opposition is all about, telling you one truth while twisting it into a lie. As you might know, Dr. Axe does promote a ketogenic diet, as in a high fat diet that is void of damaging carbohydrates, which is what humans are made for, i.e., running on a fat metabolism and being in ketosis most of the time. However, “ketogenic diets” are only

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained Read the Full Article »

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