Freemasonic ritual

Why did they do this No-Confidence Ritual at the Swedish Parliament?

Just a quick little speculation… By looking at the numbers and the obvious gematria, we know that this vote was planned and rigged. We also know that the media pushed press photos with the tattooed Freemason in the police force, just to gloat that it was a successful Freemasonic ritual/operation. I covered this here: The question is why? Only as a diversion? To keep people occupied with theatrics? To change the dynamics and […]

Why did they do this No-Confidence Ritual at the Swedish Parliament? Read the Full Article »

Swedish Prime Minister Ousted by the Numbers

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven Ousted in No-Confidence Vote – All By The Numbers

This will be really quick. There’s a lot more to this. Unfortunately, I only have time to point out the most obvious, using their language of Gematria. I might get back to this story at a later date, especially considering how things may develop. Also, notice the feeble try to do the ‘hidden hand’ Freemasonic Royal Arch Degree gesture by Stefan Löfven in the photo (aka., Mason of the Secret). In Swedish:“Regeringen faller i

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven Ousted in No-Confidence Vote – All By The Numbers Read the Full Article »

Veganism a Jesuit Psy-Op

The Veganism Psy-Op to further the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

Veganism and Plant-Based diets are part of the long-planned enslavement for humankind and the ushering of the New World Order. Vegans and Plant-Based Retards help The Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations, and World Economic Forum to achieve “The Great Reset” for the 2030 Smart Cities – where you are a microchipped docile slave and own nothing. This is why veganism is pushed by all these satanic Jesuit-controlled organizations and why social media is full

The Veganism Psy-Op to further the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

Staged Attack on US Capitol

56-seconds Body Cam Footage from the Staged US Capitol Attack

This has to be the worst and most pathetic footage of a staged event and attack I’ve seen in a long time. They do need better crisis actors. And listen to that dweeb of an CNN reporter repeating “brutal” and “pipe” over and over again. Brutal? It’s bad acting. Give me a break, you morons.Let’s make this a short breakdown using their language of choice, Gematria. This “video” was released on a Thursday.Thursday: 46,

56-seconds Body Cam Footage from the Staged US Capitol Attack Read the Full Article »

Buddhist Statue gets a Slave Mask in Mocking Ritual

187-foot-tall 33-years old Buddhist Statue gets a Slave Mask in Mocking Ritual

Once again, they mock us by defiling religious, cultural and spiritual beliefs and landmarks, just as with the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. And there is no accident that they released this mock story on June 17, 2021. 6/17/21 = 6+17+21 = 44  6/17/2021 = 6+17+20+21 = 646/17/2021 = 6+17+(2+0+2+1) = 28 Mask: 44, 64, 28Asian: 44 June 17, 2021 is a three out of four match on the English

187-foot-tall 33-years old Buddhist Statue gets a Slave Mask in Mocking Ritual Read the Full Article »

Fake Sperm Study

Sperm Count Not Harmed by Covid-19 Vaccine, Study Claims as They Deceive You by the Numbers

Anyone who is at least mildly awake should know that almost everything put out by “authorities” and the mainstream media is the exact opposite of the truth. This talk of infertility and sterilizations has been going on for a very long time, especially after the discussions about shedding. And we know they have a depopulation Agenda as part of Agenda 21 and 2030. This has been covered by the Depopulation Agenda Post – and

Sperm Count Not Harmed by Covid-19 Vaccine, Study Claims as They Deceive You by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Delta Variant Hoax

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children.

Also to mock you with being asleep, as in “Delta Waves” (see further down) Why did they name the new ‘hoaxy’ “super spreader” Indian mutation (B.1.617.2) of an imaginary virus to “Delta”? And what is the agenda behind it – more than keeping the lie alive?Gematria will show you the connections… Delta mutation: 155, 79Corona Virus: 155Novel Coronavirus: 79Society of Jesus: 79 Delta Covid-19 variant: 82Coronavirus Disease: 82Covid: 82Eliminate Humanity: 82Ordo ab Chao: 82Order

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children. Read the Full Article »

Mask Dispute Shooting Hoax

Mask Dispute Shooting in Georgia Staged by the Freemasons

More propaganda to remind you of the non-existing pandemic, of Viruses (that has never been proven to exist or transmit disease), and of course, to remind you to throw away your humanity, health and rights and wear a mask or risk getting into arguments turn violent. And of course, those who are “anti-mask” are all violent killers… It’s very obvious that this whole story is staged, scripted, and completely fake. Let’s see what the

Mask Dispute Shooting in Georgia Staged by the Freemasons Read the Full Article »

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