Search Results for: detoxification

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients

I’ve touched on this in earlier posts about the fake Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Your body need all essential nutrients to function properly. You cannot ‘super-load’ a nutrient in hope to get a ‘stronger effect’, not unless you are severely deficient. But even if you are deficient, you can only “load up” until saturation. And that if your body recognize the nutrient you try to supplement with, if taken as a supplement that […]

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients Read the Full Article »

No, we do not have an “Immune System”! Let us stop using that terminology!

I’ve touched on this in several previous posts and I’ll tell why it matters in just a little while. First, and this in undisputable – the germ and virus theory is FALSE. It’s the biggest lie in modern history. We do not get sick by any kind of contagion. This was a theory put forth by Pasteur, which he later recanted and said that his nemesis Bernard had been right all along – it’s

No, we do not have an “Immune System”! Let us stop using that terminology! Read the Full Article »

Worse Side-Effects after Vaccination if you already have had the imaginary Covid-19 – and why are elderly dying?

Oh, you don’t say!“Worse side-effects from the vaccine for those who have had CONAIDS-1984”. First, there is no virus! No virus has ever been isolated, proven to exist or capable of transmitting disease. It’s all a big scam!Now, the flu or the Corona Covid-19 that they’ve renamed it to, is simply a normal cleansing procedure by your body once you have accumulated too much toxins and crap that is hurting your body. This detoxifying

Worse Side-Effects after Vaccination if you already have had the imaginary Covid-19 – and why are elderly dying? Read the Full Article »

Vitamin D will not cure the imaginary CONvid-19

I see more idiotic misinformation trending on the interwebs. And NO! Vitamin D will not cure the imaginary CONvid-19 or boost your “immune system”, which does not exist. A lack of sun exposure on the other hand can hinder your detoxification abilities, and thus make you “sick.” And by simply getting enough sun exposure, a minimum of 15 minutes a day of full body tanning, will help your ‘body detoxification pathways’ to function as

Vitamin D will not cure the imaginary CONvid-19 Read the Full Article »

Rewriting their “Science” as they go… “Herd Immunity”

If you’ve done your research, you know that Viruses do not exist as we’ve been told. They are just debris from our own detoxification and cleaning cycle. There is no contagion found in nature. It’s common sense, or there would be no life. Still, they have to keep their lie alive, even though they change it all the time – and most people are too stupid to notice or even questioning it…

Rewriting their “Science” as they go… “Herd Immunity” Read the Full Article »

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life

It’s time to unlearn all the pseudoscience and lies you’ve been spoon-fed since pre-school. I studied western medicine for about 17 years and it only gave me more questions than answers and almost killed me. Then I found the Terrain Theory and finally everything made sense and I recovered my health in just a few months – and I’ve helped many clients regain theirs and to get rid of modern diseases. One very important

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life Read the Full Article »

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus

Have you studied the history of modern medicine? How Pasteur lied and manufactured false evidence of the germ theory and how one of the thirteen ruling bloodlines of Rockefeller ran with the idea and founded modern medicine? Have you looked into the germ theory and the healthy terrain? Or psychoneuroimmunology, physiology, the biome, pathogens, somatid’s (or microzyma’s), pleomorphism, chemistry, and mycotoxins? And what about sickness and secondary sickness? If you have an understanding of

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus Read the Full Article »

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