Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

Stop falling for this!

Please! Stop falling for their Psy-Ops! Stop supporting their Controlled Opposition!

I still see multiple posts every day on social media pushing obvious psychological operations and fake information from controlled opposition. Stop sharing and writing about complete bullocks like: “99.8 chance that you will” memes Ivermectin (deadly poison) Hydroxychloroquine (deadly poison) Shedding of Spike Proteins Wuhan Lab Leak Manufactured viruses / bioweapons Or simply anything that suggest that people can infect each other with disease, which is biologically impossible. Every time you share or write […]

Please! Stop falling for their Psy-Ops! Stop supporting their Controlled Opposition! Read the Full Article »

CONvid bullocks

More Silly Lies About the ‘Rona

We know that a virus has never been isolated, identified or shown to be able to exist outside of a living organism or be able to transmit disease. So, this story blatantly lies from the get go. It’s all about programming you with nonsense – hammering the lie deep into your brain. Repeat after me, “it’s real, it has existed for 20,000 years, it’s real, my precious”! Since we know that this story is

More Silly Lies About the ‘Rona Read the Full Article »

Even more fake news

Even more Virus and Vaccine CON-nonsense

It should be obvious that all these fantasy variants, whom very conveniently surfaced after the depopulation vaccination started, are just that – a cover for side effects and deaths from the vaccine. And of course, a clever way to continue to push those killer jabs. This is why stupid stories like this one surfaces almost daily now. Let us look at this nonsense using Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape

Even more Virus and Vaccine CON-nonsense Read the Full Article »

Fake Delta Plus Variant

More CONrona Virus Nonsense – Delta Plus is coming for you!

Beta males (mask wearers), Gamma (3) Freemasons, Indian Delta variants, and now a new variant of a variant – Delta Plus Coronavirus, like a frikkin’ membership PLUS card for Delta Air Lines. How stupid and gullible do you have to be to buy into this crap? Are there still braindead sheep who think there is a pandemic?Seriously folks, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist outside of a living organism or

More CONrona Virus Nonsense – Delta Plus is coming for you! Read the Full Article »

Bitcoin ritual

Bitcoin plunges below $30,000 in Jesuit Satoshi and Virus Ritual

Once again Bitcoin plummets in accordance with the numbers. Remember, the alleged creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, turned 46 years old on April 5. 46 is the “chaos” number, so there will surely be some more turbulence for Bitcoin in the months ahead. It’s also important to understand that Bitcoin, and all cryptocurrencies after, has been introduced to condition you for a cashless society and a “One World Currency”, as in Agenda 2030. Bitcoin

Bitcoin plunges below $30,000 in Jesuit Satoshi and Virus Ritual Read the Full Article »

Buddhist Statue gets a Slave Mask in Mocking Ritual

187-foot-tall 33-years old Buddhist Statue gets a Slave Mask in Mocking Ritual

Once again, they mock us by defiling religious, cultural and spiritual beliefs and landmarks, just as with the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. And there is no accident that they released this mock story on June 17, 2021. 6/17/21 = 6+17+21 = 44  6/17/2021 = 6+17+20+21 = 646/17/2021 = 6+17+(2+0+2+1) = 28 Mask: 44, 64, 28Asian: 44 June 17, 2021 is a three out of four match on the English

187-foot-tall 33-years old Buddhist Statue gets a Slave Mask in Mocking Ritual Read the Full Article »

Fake Sperm Study

Sperm Count Not Harmed by Covid-19 Vaccine, Study Claims as They Deceive You by the Numbers

Anyone who is at least mildly awake should know that almost everything put out by “authorities” and the mainstream media is the exact opposite of the truth. This talk of infertility and sterilizations has been going on for a very long time, especially after the discussions about shedding. And we know they have a depopulation Agenda as part of Agenda 21 and 2030. This has been covered by the Depopulation Agenda Post – and

Sperm Count Not Harmed by Covid-19 Vaccine, Study Claims as They Deceive You by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Delta Variant Hoax

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children.

Also to mock you with being asleep, as in “Delta Waves” (see further down) Why did they name the new ‘hoaxy’ “super spreader” Indian mutation (B.1.617.2) of an imaginary virus to “Delta”? And what is the agenda behind it – more than keeping the lie alive?Gematria will show you the connections… Delta mutation: 155, 79Corona Virus: 155Novel Coronavirus: 79Society of Jesus: 79 Delta Covid-19 variant: 82Coronavirus Disease: 82Covid: 82Eliminate Humanity: 82Ordo ab Chao: 82Order

The Covid-19 Delta Variant – to Accelerate the push of Vaccines onto Children. Read the Full Article »

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