Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

Covid Alarmism Returns with the Nonexistent ‘Eris’ Variant

The virus hoax has resurfaced once again with WHO lurking in the shadows, and it needs to be addressed. With that said, this will be rather short, as I’m swamped with writing nutritional programs and guides for clients, and need to save my time and energy for that (the history series will be back in a day or two.) After years of lies and deceit, most people should be aware of the virus hoax, […]

Covid Alarmism Returns with the Nonexistent ‘Eris’ Variant Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 9

In the first part we took a quick look at the Tree of Life, used in Kabbalism, that is divided into 10 spheres, or ‘sephiroth,’ where the planets stand for different planes of existence. Part 1 covered Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, (Pluto,) and Jupiter. Part 2 covered Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury. And part 3 covered the Moon and the Earth.In part 4 we began our journey into the 12 zodiac signs with Aries,

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 9 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21

While NASA staged their Perseverance rover on Mars in February of 2021 with ‘photoshopped’ images from Earth, the media was buzzing as of late 2000 and early 2021 about the US government and Department of Defense admitting to having a ‘secret UFO taskforce,’ The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF. This sparked new theories in the conspiracy realm about Project Bluebeam and a looming staged and faked alien invasion. Whether that ever will

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 20

In part 19 we covered the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Covid-19 hoax ritual, the staged mind-control operation that began in 2020 and was “officially” deemed as ‘over,’ as in no longer a “Public health emergency of international concern,” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5, 2023. The puppet character representing the U.S. President, ‘Joe Biden’, ended the national public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023, with the notion that it does not

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19

While we had the predictive programming of a ‘virus pandemic’ during the tabletop exercise ‘Clade X’ in 2018, we had another ‘pandemic’ ritual in 2019 with Event 201. Event 201 was a follow-up to Clade X organized by Johns Hopkins once again, and this time in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201 was held on October 19, 2019, exactly 201-days

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 5

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control with the very busy 1960’s, which were heavily influenced by the Marxist pop culture with fake liberation movements and drugs, and also flirted with the space hoax and climaxed with the staged moon landing.In part 4 we closed with the year of 1966 and the release of the mind-splitting poster-movie ‘Persona’ by Ingmar Bergman. On January 14, 1967, the event

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Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills

Most truthers with some kind of discernment and skill in pattern recognition called out the staged and alleged death of Rashid Buttar and him being controlled opposition and a lying bastard. Still, many gullible baby truthers with zero discernment tried to defend him and the other disinformation agents in the collaboration-group known as the ‘disinformation dozen’ that he was a part of. Note: the ‘disinformation dozen’ is what the media calls them, it’s not

Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills Read the Full Article »

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

On May 22, during the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the world must prepare for the next pandemic, which could be “even deadlier” than the COVID-19 pandemic. Of course, anyone with a brain now knows that the COVID-19 pandemic was staged, that it was totally faked. This is a no-brainer as contagion, the alleged transmission of “disease,” has been debunked for over 100 years.

Predictive Programming: WHO Warns of Another Staged and “Even Deadlier” Pandemic, Hinting at the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Read the Full Article »

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