Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

J&J LIE about their Boosters in more Brainwashing Propaganda – And a Lesson in Disease

The clowns of the pseudoscience known as ‘modern medicine’ continues with their lies and deceit. This time it’s Johnson & Johnson claiming that their booster shot prompts large increase in immune response. Well, first of all you degenerate puppets, we do not have an “immune system”. An “immune system”, as defined by your pseudoscience, requires an outside and invisible attacker. That is fantasy that goes against biology and has been debunked thousands of times […]

J&J LIE about their Boosters in more Brainwashing Propaganda – And a Lesson in Disease Read the Full Article »

Fake Statistics with a Jesuit and Biblical Claim of “201 million” Americans Vaccinated to Push Their Deadly Propaganda

A “study”, which means something fabricated they put some puppets name on, claim that as of Monday, more than 201 million Americans have received at least one shot of the maiming, sterilizing and deadly Covid-19 vaccine, with over 171 million fully vaccinated. 201 is the Jesuit number, what a coincidence! The same fake “study” also claim that ‘unvaccinated’ people are 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with “Covid” than vaccinated. Well, thank God

Fake Statistics with a Jesuit and Biblical Claim of “201 million” Americans Vaccinated to Push Their Deadly Propaganda Read the Full Article »

FDA Gives Pfizer Vaccine Full Approval on Kobe Bryants Birthday, and 66 days before Bill Gates 66th Birthday

On August 23rd, the FDA approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and it will now be marketed as ‘Comirnaty’, for the use in individuals 16 years of age and older. The ‘old’ vaccine, still called Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and the only one available, continues to be available under ‘emergency use authorization’ (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age… If you have followed mine and other truther’s work on exposing the fake pandemic,

FDA Gives Pfizer Vaccine Full Approval on Kobe Bryants Birthday, and 66 days before Bill Gates 66th Birthday Read the Full Article »

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming

What we have talked and warned about since the start of the dangerous and maiming vaccinations have now escalated and are being pushed by the media. Yes, the division tactics – as previously seen in racism. They want to pin vaccinated against the unvaccinated, to get people to fight amongst each other. The best conquering tactic there is. In this fabricated and faked story, they claim that a “survey” or a “poll” by ‘The

Division Propaganda by using Fake Polls and Programming Read the Full Article »

Useless Covid “Booster Shots” will be available on September 20

Yes, Covid “Booster Shots” – whatever that is supposed to be – will be available in the US on September 20, 2021. As all this is fake and staged, let’s see how they came up with this nonsense by using gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word. This story broke on

Useless Covid “Booster Shots” will be available on September 20 Read the Full Article »

NYC Indoor Totalitarian Vaccine Mandate in Effect

In the shadows of the staged Jesuit and CIA Taliban-theatre-act in Afghanistan, the New York City’s indoor vaccine mandate went into effect Tuesday, making it the first major U.S. city to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to eat or drink inside bars and restaurants. The new requirement, which applies to everyone 12 and older, doesn’t just apply to dining but includes nearly every public indoor activity, from gyms to bowling alleys to

NYC Indoor Totalitarian Vaccine Mandate in Effect Read the Full Article »

Andrew Cuomo Resigns in “Battle Against the Sexes ‘Vagina’ Ritual” – Connecting the Vaccine Sterilization Effects and Future Events

History repeats itself because the parasites running this show writes the script. On August 10, 2017, Taylor Swift hit the news about her alleged ‘sexual assault story’ where her ‘vagina’ was grabbed by a groper. And now, on August 10, 2021, Andrew Cuomo resigns due to ‘sexual harassment’ (by groping). Yes, they are all actors playing a role, following orders and they have to obey to these humiliation rituals. Who knows if he actually

Andrew Cuomo Resigns in “Battle Against the Sexes ‘Vagina’ Ritual” – Connecting the Vaccine Sterilization Effects and Future Events Read the Full Article »

They Are Now Pushing Lambda Variant, Just as Predicted

I hardly need to decode this nonsense. At this stage, even the ones just waking up should see what a scam this is. There has never been any isolation or proof of a single virus in history, so there can not be any variants of something that does not exist. This is pure programming and fear mongering, keeping the tyranny and lockdowns going. As for Delta and Lambda, I predicted and wrote about them

They Are Now Pushing Lambda Variant, Just as Predicted Read the Full Article »

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