Search Results for: monkeypox virus

Monkeypox Does Not Exist! Viruses And Contagion Does Not Exist!

And here’s another article I was hoping I would not have to write. Alas, most baby-troofers fell hook, line, and sinker for this one as government shills began spreading false memes on social media — which of course, was shared by said gullible wanna-be troofers. It’s been a little more than two years since this fake and non-existent Monkeypox roared its ugly monkey-face, and it’s been over four years since the super-silly Coronavirus Covid-19 […]

Monkeypox Does Not Exist! Viruses And Contagion Does Not Exist! Read the Full Article »

California, Illinois and New York Declares ‘State of Emergency’ After Accounting for ‘47%’ of Imaginary U.S. Monkeypox Sodom and Gomorrah Virus Cases

According to the scripted news, California, Illinois and New York have reported 47% of all confirmed monkeypox infections in the U.S. Just like the compass on the Freemasonic logo is set at 47 degrees, how original.In total, the U.S. has reported nearly 6,000 cases of monkeypox across 48 states. And that for a “disease” and an imaginary virus that does not exist. However, they love the mockery since monkeypox has been labelled a gay

California, Illinois and New York Declares ‘State of Emergency’ After Accounting for ‘47%’ of Imaginary U.S. Monkeypox Sodom and Gomorrah Virus Cases Read the Full Article »

Quick Start: Germs, Viruses, Contagion, Disease and Other Lies

You cannot catch a disease. You cannot treat or cure a disease with remedies. All disease comes from within. This is a collection of articles by me, Joachim Bartoll, to get you started on how our body, all living things, and nature actually works, based on my last +6 years of research, of living and coaching, and my previous +17 years of wasted research within nutrition, chemistry, biology, the medical field and pharmacology, and

Quick Start: Germs, Viruses, Contagion, Disease and Other Lies Read the Full Article »

China Claims Fake Monkeypox Case and Fuels Xenophobia

It’s been really slow in the mainstream media since they announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Today however, as it is the final day of the funeral, that will change. Anyway, as for yesterday, they just had to go with all the fake viruses yet again – to remind us of these non-existing threats. It’s not enough to keep people worrying about gas and food costs or shortages, or their next electrical bill;

China Claims Fake Monkeypox Case and Fuels Xenophobia Read the Full Article »

New China Theatre as They Claim 35 Cases of Made-Up Bad-Guy Langya Virus

Oh yes, the show must go on. We are at the commercial break between the main events of the first staged and fake pandemic and the second pandemic they are all warning us about, and during this break we have been stuffed with more programming such as CON-vid variants, Marburg, Nipah, Polio, Monkeypox, and now ‘Langya.’ All complete bollocks to keep the sinister and evil virus lie alive among the gullible and dumbed down

New China Theatre as They Claim 35 Cases of Made-Up Bad-Guy Langya Virus Read the Full Article »

First Two U.S. Cases of NON-Existent Monkeypox in Children

Well, look at that. The day after they revived the Polio hoax in the media, they now tell us that two unrelated cases of ‘Monkeypox’ has been confirmed in the U.S. Supposedly, they have pinned this silly diagnose on a toddler in California and an infant who is not a US resident, according to “health authorities.” Some media websites also make sure to mention that this supposedly is a ‘growing outbreak.’ Although it’s meant

First Two U.S. Cases of NON-Existent Monkeypox in Children Read the Full Article »

Monkeypox and the Anti Pets Agenda of the New World Order

Since they faked another outbreak of a virus that does not exist, this time with the ludicrous ‘monkeypox;’ headlines in Europe have been flooded with the message that rodent pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs, has to be culled to stop the imaginary “spread,” and that patients must keep away from pets to stop “spread” to ‘wildlife.’There are even stories claiming that these totally fake viruses is the result of our relationship with

Monkeypox and the Anti Pets Agenda of the New World Order Read the Full Article »

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might

Once again, I see diet-woke truthers jumping on anything put out by controlled opposition that is ‘anti-vaccine’ without any kind of rational or logical thinking behind sharing such nonsense. While ALL vaccines are useless, dangerous, and nonsensical, there still is no such thing as a virus! Yes, vaccine makers such as AstraZeneca claims that they use another virus, of the Chimpanzee-adenovirus family, that has been modified to contain the gene for making a protein

No, Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine — But detox symptoms might Read the Full Article »

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery

There is actually one positive thing about this absurdity, and that is that I see a lot more people on social media actually laughing and pointing out how fabricated and fake this “Monkeypox” outbreak is. More and more people are waking up, more and more are questioning the narrative, and many have had enough of the lies and deceit. For the last couple of days, this monkey business has been lurking in the media

Another Day, Another Hoax – Monkeypox, Monkey Mockery Read the Full Article »

This Week at Ungovernable

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating, or even better, join our community — the only place on the internet where I take part in discussions and answer questions every single day. The information we have, and are adding to daily, is invaluable — covering every aspect of life. And speaking of our uncensored online community, below are a few gleanings from the past week and the most popular posts and topics. Vitamin-

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