Search Results for: monkeypox virus

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed

Yes, they are still at it, although most people seem to have forgotten about the staged and fake pandemic by now. I haven’t really heard any mention of “Covid” from the sheep in months, not since the staged and fake war in Ukraine or the silly ‘Monkeypox’ hoax – and speaking of which, WHO will rename ‘Monkeypox’ because some snowflake closely related to the monkeys deemed it ‘discriminatory’ and ‘stigmatizing.’ That’s an article in […]

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Read the Full Article »

The Swedish Psychological Defense (Warfare) Agency Warns About ‘Memes’ as Swedes are Waking up – And Controlled Opposition on the Rise

This joke of a government agency, that was founded to censor the truth and to push government disinformation propaganda as ‘the truth,’ recently published a new website ( where they claim that ‘laughing’ and ‘humor’ can be very dangerous. What they are getting at is that ‘memes’ and ‘jokes’ on the internet can be used to pass on misinformation. While this is true for any meme from ‘Q-tards’ and mentally disabled vegans, this is

The Swedish Psychological Defense (Warfare) Agency Warns About ‘Memes’ as Swedes are Waking up – And Controlled Opposition on the Rise Read the Full Article »

This Week at Ungovernable

Below are a few gleanings from the past week and the most popular posts and topics at our Uncensored Community Ungovernable. More on the fake Monkeypox outbreak and other similar non-existing poxviruses.  Belgium become first country to introduce compulsory monkeypox quarantine – for something that does not exist. NWO is closing in.  The WHO Anti-Health takeover and the Davos meeting, May 22 to 26.  Forced Vaccination is Part Of New WHO Treaty.  More on

This Week at Ungovernable Read the Full Article »

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’

You probably know of the importance of number ‘56’ since 2020 and the whole fake pandemic. However, there is another number that is very important to the Jesuit Order, and that is ‘201.’ The first Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) was Ignatius of Loyola (April 19th, 1541.) And in 1773 Pope Clement XIV allegedly suppressed the Jesuit Order on the completion of the 201st day of the year, July

The Fake Pandemic in one Important Number – The Jesuits’ number ‘201’ Read the Full Article »

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