On April 26, the Dow fell 810 points and the Deutsche Bank warned about recession. Then on May 4, the Fed raised interest rates by a half-percentage point to ‘get a handle’ on the worst inflation America has seen in 40 years. Obviously, that did not help and now the Dow plummeted 876 points or 2.8% and the Fed are now thinking about hiking rates by three-quarters of a percentage point, an action they haven’t taken since 1994.
So, the Dow sank 2.8%, as in 28, and the first thing the article at CNN mentions is that “recession fears” mounted.
Twenty-Eight = 156, 141, 87, 936
Recession Fears = 156, 141, 87, 936
And isn’t it interesting that 876 points actually matches in several ciphers with ‘twenty-eight’ making the spell stronger.
Twenty-Eight = 51, 60
876 Points = 51, 60
And of course, ‘twenty-eight’ is tied to the people behind this in the oldest most pure cipher.
Twenty-Eight = 43
Freemasons = 43
Freemasonry = 43
The Illuminati = 43
And the 28th prime number is 107.
Currency = 107
Recession = 107
More importantly, this happened on June 13, as in 13/6, like 136, and it is about the stock market which is controlled by the Jesuits.
Stock Market = 136, 37, 71, 816, 37
The Jesuits = 136, 37, 71, 816, 37
And on June 13, there were 201-days remaining in the year, the very Jesuit number.
The Jesuit Order = 201
And the chair of the Federal Reserve is Jerome Powell.
Jerome Hayden Powell = 201 (his full name)
Jerome Powell was born on February 4, so this story comes 129-days after his birthday. And guess what, yes, 129 is 201 in octal (8-base counting.)
It’s also 236 days until his next birthday.
Jerome Hayden Powell = 236
June 13 was surely a perfect date for him to be in the media.
June 13 also had a 41-date numerology, and they talked about the Fed taking a sting out of ‘inflation.’
6/13/22 = 6 + 13 + 22 = 41
Inflation = 41
Jesuits = 41
Again, just as the previous stories about the stock market, the Dow, and the economy, it is all rigged by the numbers. They manipulate it at will, and the inflation is part of the current agenda.