Kryst, who was crowned Miss USA in 2019, died after allegedly jumping from a building in Manhattan on Sunday morning, according to New York City Police Department. So, yet another “suicide” in 2022. What is the count for January? 10 or more?

Cheslie was born on April 28, 1991. She died on January 30 at 30-years old, 277-days after her 30th birthday. 277 is the 59th prime number. Cheslie was a woman of color, and we know how the cabal love to point this out using gematria in their sacrifice rituals.

Blues = 59 & 76
Negro = 59 & 76
Slave = 59 & 76
Note that they are closely connected through two ciphers.

She also died on a day with 88-days remaining until her next birthday.
Miss USA = 88
Masonic Ritual = 88
Or on a day with 12 weeks and 5 days, as in 125, remaining until her birthday.

Death by Jump = 125
Which line up with her name as well as both reduces to 55.

Cheslie Kryst = 55
Death by Jump = 55
And she was working as an attorney.

Attorney = 44
Death by Jump = 44
Multiple hits on the method of the killing.
Her name will tell us more about the ritual chosen for her and the choice of method for her killing.
Her full name was Cheslie Corrinne Kryst.

Cheslie Corrinne Kryst = 119
Suicide = 119

Cheslie = 34
Suicide = 34
Murder = 34
All in the same cipher.

Cheslie = 61
Pushed to Death = 61

Cheslie = 38 (the ‘murder’ number)
Murder = 38
RIP = 38
Killing = 38
Death = 38
Cheslie Kryst = 170
Sacrifice = 170
January 30 = 1/30/2022 = (1) + (30) + (20) + (22) = 73
January 30 = 1/30/22 = 1 + 3+0 + (20) + (22) = 46

Sacrifice = 73 & 46 (the perfect date for a sacrifice ritual)
January 30 = 1/30/2022 = (1) + (30) + 2+0+2+2 = 37
Attorney = 37 (her job title)
Thirty = 37 (her age at death and on January 30)
The day before her “suicide” she posted a photo of herself on Instagram with the following message, “May this day bring you rest and peace,” as in ‘rest in peace.’

Also, that phrase sums to 347, the 69th prime number.

Blood Ritual = 69
‘Rest and Peace’ = 69 (her message on Instagram)
Catholic Church = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69
Also, ‘Sunday Morning,’ when she died, reduces to 69, which fits her “rest and peace.” And…

Sunday Morning = 66
Jumps to her Death = 66
And in Reverse Ordinal, that message is ‘463,’ the 90th prime number.

Jumping = 90
Murder by Numbers = 90 (the infamous phrase for ritual killings)
And to round it off…

Miss USA = 52
Rest in Peace = 52 & 65
Jumped to Death = 52 & 65
Yes, rest in peace former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst. For some, this is the price you pay for playing with the devil for fame and fortune. And the devil is in the Vatican, in shape of the pope and his military order, The Jesuit Order.
With that being said, her Instagram photo might be a “suicide note” to some, but since it was cleverly coded with The Jesuit Order, another strong theory is that “Cheslie Kryst” was simply retired, her current “persona” was killed off in their ritual, and she will be given a new role to play. That is the way it works if you are good at what you do and are of value to them. So, do not be surprised if someone who looks a lot like her, with some cosmetic surgery, will pop up in a few years as a politician, actor, or something similar.