May 2021

Shakespeare Dead – Another Jesuit joke

“William Shakespeare, first UK man to get the Depopulation-jab, dead at 81”I touched on this Catholic-Jesuit (Society of Jesus) joke on the English people when vaccination started in the UK, how they mocked us with “Shakespeare” (which actually was the Jesuit philosopher Francis Bacon.) And now, the joke comes to an epic end. As you should know by now, the entire “pandemic” is just a made-up Jesuit plot to further the depopulation part of […]

Shakespeare Dead – Another Jesuit joke Read the Full Article »

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984

This goes back to my previous post about the Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci and his new ‘inquiries’ about this false narrative.Most educated people should know by now that there is no such thing as virus or a contagion, it is not possible within the realm of biology and microbiology. The germ theory with unicorn-fantasy-viruses has been debunked so many times I will just leave it there. I wrote about this in my article about

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

Bitcoin drops 13 % to $33k this Sunday, May 23, 2021 – And Elon Musk on Twitter

I’ve never been a fan of crypto such as bitcoin, because it’s simply a way to get us used to a one-world crypto-currency, run by the world banks that will make everything else worthless and illegal to use. Bitcoin is also very much traceable and not very secure. If you buy with bitcoin, your government will eventually know.The only way forward when cash get banned is Privacy Coins. That is, untraceable crypto, such as

Bitcoin drops 13 % to $33k this Sunday, May 23, 2021 – And Elon Musk on Twitter Read the Full Article »

The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op backed by Fauci

How cute! The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op for the sheeple continues, this time backed by diaper-boy Fauci! The Jesuit puppet and actor with an IQ of about 70, Anthony Fauci, now claims, “he’s not convinced Covid-1984 developed naturally.”First and foremost, there is NO contagion! Covid-19 does not exist. No alleged virus in history of mankind has ever been isolated or even proven to exist! The germ and virus theory is a big fat money-making scam!

The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op backed by Fauci Read the Full Article »

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII

Do I have any woke friends who looked into Avicii and his alleged death in 2018? In 2018 I almost died and have been recovering since then, so I did not bother to look into Avicii – I was too out of it at that time.However, with the name-change of the Globen Arena to Avicii Arena, it just stood out as weird. I’ve heard about the theories around the Epstein connection. But I’ve never

AVICII Arena, AVICII and the Epstein connection. AVICII = MCII Read the Full Article »

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers

The little Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci claims, “Covid Booster Shot will likely be needed – ‘Within a year or so’.”This is of course predictive programming. They can’t give you Covid shots forever and ever. They need to come up with a new cool name for it. So, why not ‘booster shots’? Let’s break down what this uneducated clown just said, using their choice of language – Gematria. Covid Booster Shot: 88Within a year or

Anthony Fauci hints on “Booster Shots” by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

För Frihet & Sanning – Show Their True Colors – Controlled Opposition

The evil satanic Freemasons behind this joke of an controlled-opposition organization does not even hide what they are any longer. One eye symbolism (Eye of Horus = Sun God Worship).The Swedish flag painted over the eye and rotated as an upside down satanic cross. And everything made with the Jesuit colors. The 6th of June – or 6/6 = 66, as in 666. (The Number of the Beast = 66 in Full Reduction Gematria)And

För Frihet & Sanning – Show Their True Colors – Controlled Opposition Read the Full Article »

Christ the Redeemer Mockery

‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Mocking Ritual

They are mocking you! Hinting at Clade X and Event 201!‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue, exactly 377 days after the Face Mask projection! I mentioned this with the face mask projection little over a year ago and that story broke on May 4, 2020. It was promoted by the hashtag #MascaraSalva, which translates to “mask saves”, which they of course do not as proven by real science thousands of times.

‘Vaccine Saves’ projected onto Brazil’s ‘Christ the Redeemer’ statue in Mocking Ritual Read the Full Article »

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