Vladimir Putin

3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated

Yesterday, March 22, 2024, as in 3/22, or Order 322, as in Skull and Bones Freemasonry did not pass by unnoticed. And let’s not forget that Yale University, the headquarters of Skull and Bones, celebrates being 322 years old this year. As the world is ruled by the elite families through their Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, the Freemasonic orders are the ones doing all the work, as they have their members present […]

3/22, The Day of Skull & Bones: Staged Crocus City Hall Attack & Kate Middelton Cancer Diagnosis — Updated Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Putin Secured 5th Term as Russian President by a Scripted 87% of the Vote

This will be a quick one as I’m a bit short on time today. This Monday, March 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin secured his fifth term as the Russian President by walking away with a scripted 87% of the vote.Putin celebrated his victory by saying it was proof of the Russian people’s “trust” in him – which, of course, is complete bollocks. This is simply, yet again, 100% proof that the world is a

World Stage: Putin Secured 5th Term as Russian President by a Scripted 87% of the Vote Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Nuclear Propaganda on March 9

While several News Outlets had articles covering “Ideal Conditions for a Nuclear Strike on NATO,” and “Nuclear War: The Rising Risk, and How We Stop It,” CNN featured an “exclusive” stating that “US had prepared for potential Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine in late 2022.” Of course, that “potential” Russian ‘nuclear strike’ in 2022 never happened, because there is no such thing as a “nuclear weapon” or an “atomic bomb.” That is all pseudo-science

World Stage: Nuclear Propaganda on March 9 Read the Full Article »

Baby Troofers Excited About World-Stage Actors Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin

Again, my social media feed has been swamped with clueless baby troofers buying into the world stage theatrics and the scripted interview of Vladimir Putin by the Jesuit controlled media-actor Tucker Carlson. It’s getting really embarrassing by now. If you still believe that the staged and fake war in Ukraine is real, you probably believed in the Covid-19 ritual and psy-op and you are likely still wearing a face diaper, perhaps an adult diaper

Baby Troofers Excited About World-Stage Actors Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Read the Full Article »

Gullible “Truthers” Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real

I still see a lot of posts on social media claiming that if you support Zelenskyy and Ukraine, you support the ‘New World Order’ with the evil United States and European Union behind it, but if you support Putin and Russia, you support the good guys and something like the coming of a paradise on Earth? Say what?Yes, it’s embarrassing to say the least. Absolutely no critical thinking, discernment or logic. Simply repeating some

Gullible “Truthers” Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real Read the Full Article »

Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake

Once again, they’re bringing back fear and trauma that has been programmed into the sheepish masses for decades – that of nuclear weapons and the “atom bomb.” Last year, when they began the Hollywood CGI-production of the fake and staged war in Ukraine, they reinforced the programming with headlines such as, “Putin Rattles his Satan II Nuclear Saber.” Then, this year, we had the silly movie ‘Oppenheimer’ released in July, once again reminding the

Putin’s “Satan 2” is Fake Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21

While NASA staged their Perseverance rover on Mars in February of 2021 with ‘photoshopped’ images from Earth, the media was buzzing as of late 2000 and early 2021 about the US government and Department of Defense admitting to having a ‘secret UFO taskforce,’ The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, or UAPTF. This sparked new theories in the conspiracy realm about Project Bluebeam and a looming staged and faked alien invasion. Whether that ever will

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 21 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 10

When I started this article series about mind control, conditioning, and programming, I was considering 4 or 5 parts. I left out a lot on purpose, and likely forgot even more (especially when I now look back,) and yet here we are, at the 10th part of the series, going through the late 90’s and into the 2000’s.In part 9, we ended with Google’s part in the Infodemic, with the introduction of the Euro

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 10 Read the Full Article »

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