Vaccine Death

The Culling – It has begun; Deaths in Bodybuilding 2021

As you may know, I worked more than 25 years within the Fitness-, Gym- and Bodybuilding industry – mostly as a coach, writer, reporter, photographer, and editor-in-chief for two magazines. In other words, I know bodybuilding, the drugs and the long-term risks. However, until recent years, bodybuilders dying before their time were few and far in between. You had the tragic deaths of Mohammed Benaziza (1992) and Andreas Münzer (1996) when trying to shed […]

The Culling – It has begun; Deaths in Bodybuilding 2021 Read the Full Article »

Extreme Propaganda as JHU Claims Five Million Have Died of Something That Does Not Exist

More COVAIDS-1984 and Vaccine propaganda from the Jesuit-controlled media. The Jesuit founded Johns Hopkins University claim that 5,000,425 people had died at 4:50 a.m. on Monday, November 1, 2021. Wow, such a precise number. 5,000,425 = 5+0+0+0+4+2+5 = 164:50 a.m. = 4+5+0 = 916 + 9 = 25 Death = 25 (what the story is about)RIP = 25 (same…)Sterilization Children = 250 = 25 (zeroes has no value, so you can remove them)Vaccination Kill

Extreme Propaganda as JHU Claims Five Million Have Died of Something That Does Not Exist Read the Full Article »

Breastfeeding babies are dying after mothers got the idiotic, maiming and deadly Covid Vaccine

Something is obviously being transferred. If it kills your baby by being breastfed, what do you think it will do to you in the long run?And we know that only about 1% of side-effects and deaths get reported. And they try to hide and manipulate the statistics. You people need to wake up!Again, anyone pushing the vaccines is a war criminal and should be charged as such. Justice will prevail. I warned about transference

Breastfeeding babies are dying after mothers got the idiotic, maiming and deadly Covid Vaccine Read the Full Article »

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21

About a week back or so, some people noticed that they did another wave of fake corona cases on the media all over the world. Remember when they started the fake pandemic in March 2020, and hundreds of cities across the world reported “33” cases? You know, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry ‘33’. It could not be more obvious fake if they tried. Now the same thing happened but with ‘233’ cases in at

The circulating number ‘233’, our current year 2021 and August 21 Read the Full Article »

White House Claims 70% Vaccination Rate in Accordance with Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce

The world is a stage. Everything is scripted, made-up to fit their numerology and gematria. Let’s take a quick look at these stories. Sure, a lot of people are gullible idiots, falling right into the trap of a fake pandemic and the need to take an experimental emergency-release medical procedure claimed to be a vaccine (aka., ‘Mark of the Beast’). Yeah, vaccines for imaginary transmittable diseases – something that does not exist. Gullible, dumbed-down,

White House Claims 70% Vaccination Rate in Accordance with Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce Read the Full Article »

Texas Opening Up… Speculation and food for thought

I see a lot of people cheering the fact that Texas and several other states are “opening up”, removing CONAIDS-1984 restrictions. All these states are also the ones with the highest vaccination rates. This is good for them, lying and brainwashing you into believing that vaccines work. What worries me was the wording of the original statement, that they open up the states on the belief that people can take “responsibility” and still use

Texas Opening Up… Speculation and food for thought Read the Full Article »

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