
Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia

This weekend has been rather busy with ongoing psy-ops and scripted events. Unfortunately, I’m very short on time as I have clients in need of my immediate help, so this will be a simple recap of the two biggest events. In the last two days, the media has brewed a new conflict between Israel and Iran. And this morning, April 14, 2024, Israel that was founded on May 14, 1948, turned 911 months old, […]

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia Read the Full Article »

Mid-Year Revival of the George Floyd Media Hoax Ritual

Yesterday, on November 25, the mainstream media revived the old Freemasonic Ritual, the staged theatrical event of crisis-actor Derek Chauvin kneeling on his buddy’s and also crisis-actor George Floyd’s neck during a fake arrest, which allegedly led to the death of Floyd, with new headlines claiming that “Derek Chauvin, officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, survived prison stabbing.” Of course, it was all fake, just as fake as this alleged “prison stabbing,” as he,

Mid-Year Revival of the George Floyd Media Hoax Ritual Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Fake France School Stabbing

Allegedly, on October 13, or on ‘Friday the 13th,’ a teacher was killed and two people seriously injured in a knife attack at a school in France. According to the public story, the perpetrator was under surveillance by French security services over suspected Islamic radicalization. The government also increased its threat alert to its highest-level during Friday, allowing for larger police and military deployments to “protect the country.” Officials said there was no specific

World Stage: Fake France School Stabbing Read the Full Article »

3 Staged ‘Deadly’ Incidents — All on the Day After Yom Kippur

There are no coincidences on the world stage. In 2017, you had the Route 91 Harvest Festival Shooting in Las Vegas the day after Yom Kippur ended, and now you had the stabbings in Las Vegas also one day after Yom Kippur!Actually, on October 6, you also had the ‘Thailand Preschool Shooting’ and the ‘Dearborn Michigan Hotel Shooting.’ All these three events occurred one day after Yom Kippur ended. The day that is all

3 Staged ‘Deadly’ Incidents — All on the Day After Yom Kippur Read the Full Article »

1 Suspect from Stabbing Spree in Canada Allegedly Found Dead

If you read my article on this faked psy-op from yesterday, you know that the phony ‘stabbing spree’ by the brothers Damien and Myles Sanderson took place 113-days before Justin Trudeau’s birthday – 113 as in the number for dishonesty, the number for fakery, deceit and bullshit. Now they tell us that the 155-pound brother Damien Sanderson, who’s name sums to 155 and who fled in a ‘Nissan Rouge,’ which also sums to 155,

1 Suspect from Stabbing Spree in Canada Allegedly Found Dead Read the Full Article »

The Faked ‘Stabbing Spree’ in Canada & Puppet Justin Trudeau — Updated!

Again, the sheep are being spoon-fed another “horrifying” and purely fabricated story about two brothers who went on a “stabbing spree” leaving what is said to be 10 dead and 15 injured across 13 different locations. Wow, that’s a handful. 13 locations, eh? Sure! They say that the brothers are Damien and Myles Sanderson, and that the stabbings occurred across Saskatchewan, Canada. The first clue to this being a hoax is in the name

The Faked ‘Stabbing Spree’ in Canada & Puppet Justin Trudeau — Updated! Read the Full Article »

Tyson Fury Fights ‘Knife Crime’ as Cousin Allegedly was Stabbed to Death

British boxing champion Tyson Fury trended in the media on Sunday saying his cousin was stabbed to death as he called on the UK government to take steps to curb knife crimes. “My cousin was murdered last night, stabbed in the neck, this is becoming ridiculous idiots carry knives,” Fury said on social media. So, his cousin was ‘stabbed in the neck,’ just as in the headlines about Salman Rushdie? Well, these things do

Tyson Fury Fights ‘Knife Crime’ as Cousin Allegedly was Stabbed to Death Read the Full Article »

The Staged and Fake Stabbing of Salman Rushdie Had Little Piggy Freemasonic Fingerprints All Over it — Updated

This extremely scripted and heavily coded theatre act broke the headlines as I was preparing to go to sleep yesterday (I live in Sweden.) Since it was so obviously staged, I put out a quick decode on Ungovernable and also on my Facebook, and as I woke this morning my friend Joseph had made an excellent decode of this event, as usual – adding a ton to my quick findings. So, let’s make a

The Staged and Fake Stabbing of Salman Rushdie Had Little Piggy Freemasonic Fingerprints All Over it — Updated Read the Full Article »

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