
All Sugars/Carbohydrates Turn into Toxic Glucose

On March 19, 2024, the controlled opposition and gatekeeper website, featuring the ‘alternative medicine’ proponent and quack Dr. Mercola, published an article called “Hidden Sugars in Everyday Foods — Which Should Concern You?” While it may seem like a good message on the surface, as in avoiding “sugars,” Mercola totally misrepresents the science, as usual, and actually reinforces the bastardized, dangerous, and maiming nutritional propaganda of the evil and corrupted food industry, medical […]

All Sugars/Carbohydrates Turn into Toxic Glucose Read the Full Article »

Fake Nashville Shooter Manifesto Presented by Shill Steven Crowder

Steven Crowder, the controlled opposition puppet on the “conservative” right-wing axis of the illusion-Matrix, released what was said to be a “manifesto” of the Nashville Shooter – a shooting that was extremely badly staged and obviously fake. Of course, it’s his job to make these Masonic psy-ops look real, and to enforce the hatred agenda of the “right-wing.” That is the sole purpose of alternative media, to reinforce the lie and the deceit, but

Fake Nashville Shooter Manifesto Presented by Shill Steven Crowder Read the Full Article »

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease

Since I get questions about this crackpot Saladino all the time, I might as well do another article on him and the complete nonsense about “needing” carbohydrates. A few weeks ago, he made a video called “Why you need carbs in your diet,” so let us go through some of his opinions in that video and once again explain why this is a very bad and unhealthy idea. Funny enough, he starts his video

The Charlatan Paul Saladino Want You to be Unhealthy and Ridden with Disease Read the Full Article »

More Covid-19 Propaganda and the Targeting of Children

After weeks of small pandemic-propaganda bits during August, on the first of September, as in 1/9 (19,) we had a silly media Covid-19 ritual, claiming huge increased in “cases” within the United States, and the possibility of a new “wave.”Here in little Sweden, the media has been pushing the propaganda in small dosages almost every single day. In late August, the pseudoscience-based and extremely evil Swedish Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten,) happily reported that a

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Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills

Most truthers with some kind of discernment and skill in pattern recognition called out the staged and alleged death of Rashid Buttar and him being controlled opposition and a lying bastard. Still, many gullible baby truthers with zero discernment tried to defend him and the other disinformation agents in the collaboration-group known as the ‘disinformation dozen’ that he was a part of. Note: the ‘disinformation dozen’ is what the media calls them, it’s not

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Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57

Dr. Rashid Buttar allegedly died on May 18 according to his family and the Wikipedia page. He was labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to appeal to baby truthers as he presented ridiculous and retarded theories about the staged and fake Covid-19 pandemic. While we all know that the pandemic was fake and that no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist, that contagion and transmission of disease has never been proven, just the

Shill and Gatekeeper Dr. Rashid Buttar Dead at 57 Read the Full Article »

Controlled Opposition and Jesuit Puppet Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run for President as Demon-crat

The “Covid-19 vaccine-skeptic” and “antivaccine activist” Kennedy Jr., who is controlled opposition set out to keep the fraudulent virus and contagion lies alive by not questioning these biological core lies, filed paperwork to run for president on April 5, 2023, the very Jesuit 95th day of the year. Remember, the Jesuit Order was recognized by Rome on September 27, 1540, the day leaving 95 days in the year, and it was founded to counter

Controlled Opposition and Jesuit Puppet Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run for President as Demon-crat Read the Full Article »

The Death Ritual of Kanye West’s Mother as he Allegedly Tells Us About Ritual Sacrifice

There’s so much shenanigans going on upon the world stage it’s hard to keep up. A couple of days ago, puppet Kanye West who plays the role of the disobedient ‘whistleblower’ and a far-right superhero, said that his mother was sacrificed by the secret societies. And then he went on and said that they can control Shaquille O’Neal, Charles Barkley, LeBron James, and Jay-Z and Beyoncé, but they can’t control him. And gullible right-wingers

The Death Ritual of Kanye West’s Mother as he Allegedly Tells Us About Ritual Sacrifice Read the Full Article »

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