
Illuminati Celebrations: Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Hermann Göring

Yesterday was May 1st, known as ‘May Day,’ and also the birthday of the German Bavarian Illuminati, the Jesuit-founded order that later became the ‘Order of the Illuminati,’ and the order that influenced and helped in founding Freemasonry as a secret society, and especially Order 322, Skull and Bones Freemasonry within the United States. And while Bavarian Illuminati was founded in Germany, its founder, the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, was in fact Jewish. And the […]

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A Few Words on the History of Israel

As I’m currently a bit pressed on time, this will be a short summery of Israel as a country and its history. For those new to the real world, the one outside of the media- and government illusion, the world that we actually live in, it might help to understand what is going on, and it will serve as an introduction to deeper analyzes of the fake war, that I hopefully have time to

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 3

In part 3 we will continue our journey through the history of mind control to better understand why and how the world illusion we live in came to be, and why the sleeping masses, including baby truthers, are so extremely gullible and controllable.In the last part we closed with William Donavan taking lead the newly founded Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and their experiments on prisoners to create a truth serum. In 1943, the

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 3 Read the Full Article »

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine.I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some copy-paste

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

All About 56: Roger Waters Investigated by Police for Wearing His Typical Nazi Costume During Concert in Germany

In the name of political correctness, Police in Germany have launched a criminal investigation into Roger Waters, the co-founder of Pink Floyd, after he appeared dressed in his typical costume resembling a Nazi uniform during two concerts in Berlin last week, or so you would be led to believe. Of course, this is only another division ritual to make left-wing liberal soy-fed sheep weep about the holohoax while those trapped in the right-wing of

All About 56: Roger Waters Investigated by Police for Wearing His Typical Nazi Costume During Concert in Germany Read the Full Article »

Swastika-Wearing Gunman Allegedly Kills 13 at Russian School — Updated

Today’s, September 26, 2022, big mass shooting hoax. 13 people allegedly killed, and the word ‘swastika’ is filled with the number 13, including ‘113,’ the number for dishonesty, for utter bullshit. They say ’21 people’ were injured. Today leaves 96-days remaining in the year. 21 People = 96 And ‘fourteen’ children on a day with 41-date numerology, which also is 14 backwards.9/26/2022 = (9) + (26) + 2+0+2+2 = 41 Fourteen = 41 Also

Swastika-Wearing Gunman Allegedly Kills 13 at Russian School — Updated Read the Full Article »

Austria first in Europe to be a Totalitarian Police State in Hitler Tribute

On November 19, Austria announced that it would go back into national lockdown and that they had plans for vaccine mandates by February 1st, 2022 – and all that totalitarian-police-state crap for something that does not exist, for a staged and fake pandemic, which purpose is to usher in the New World Order. On January 20, the date with strong Jesuit 201-numerology, the Austrian Parliament voted to put those fascist and totalitarian mandates in

Austria first in Europe to be a Totalitarian Police State in Hitler Tribute Read the Full Article »

Germany Announces Nationwide Lockdown for Their Healthy Population

Yes, I touched briefly on this yesterday as it was announced just days after the article hinting about mandatory vaccinations. This fascist Nazi-like outcry came on Thursday, December 2nd. The staged and fake pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020. This story comes exactly 631 days later. 631 is the 115th Prime Number. “Lockdown for the Unvaccinated” = 115 December 2 = 12/2 = 122 Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122 (“Jesus, the savior of

Germany Announces Nationwide Lockdown for Their Healthy Population Read the Full Article »

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