
Fake Shooting at Field’s in Copenhagen, Denmark — Updated late July 4

Denmark, just like Sweden, has some of the most strict and ridiculous gun laws in the world. That is why these countries does not have as many staged false flag shootings as the U.S., as there is no need to pull these in order to enforce new enslavement laws. However, we still get some staged terror attacks and shootings when needed for the political landscape, especially a few years back to increase the surveillance […]

Fake Shooting at Field’s in Copenhagen, Denmark — Updated late July 4 Read the Full Article »

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial and Verdict Psy-OP

I’m not sure if I should use the word ‘hilarious’ or the word ‘sad’ when people who acknowledge that pretty much everything in the media is scripted theatre, yet they cling to obvious pys-ops such as Epstein and the Ghislaine Maxwell trial believing that it’s real. As if they can cherry-pick what is real and what is fake based on their level of Q’tardness. And now they scream for the release of a non-existent

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial and Verdict Psy-OP Read the Full Article »

The False Flag Staged Shootings in Oslo and at WeatherTech on June 25

I guessed you couldn’t miss these staged and fake false flag shootings on social media even if you wanted to. Gullible people using the silly Facebook “I’m safe from…” feature, which actually reads as, “I’m a gullible turd believing in this staged event…” Well, the Oslo shooting at a ‘gay bar’ supposedly happened at 1:14 am, which is the 74th minute of the day. And it’s supposed to have been an ‘active shooter’ scene

The False Flag Staged Shootings in Oslo and at WeatherTech on June 25 Read the Full Article »

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed

Yes, they are still at it, although most people seem to have forgotten about the staged and fake pandemic by now. I haven’t really heard any mention of “Covid” from the sheep in months, not since the staged and fake war in Ukraine or the silly ‘Monkeypox’ hoax – and speaking of which, WHO will rename ‘Monkeypox’ because some snowflake closely related to the monkeys deemed it ‘discriminatory’ and ‘stigmatizing.’ That’s an article in

FDA Vote to Authorize Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 as a Tribute to Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Read the Full Article »

Dow Tumbles Again, The Fed Thinking of Raising Interest Rates 3/4 of a Point

On April 26, the Dow fell 810 points and the Deutsche Bank warned about recession. Then on May 4, the Fed raised interest rates by a half-percentage point to ‘get a handle’ on the worst inflation America has seen in 40 years. Obviously, that did not help and now the Dow plummeted 876 points or 2.8% and the Fed are now thinking about hiking rates by three-quarters of a percentage point, an action they

Dow Tumbles Again, The Fed Thinking of Raising Interest Rates 3/4 of a Point Read the Full Article »

Barack Obama, ‘The Antichrist,’ Warns The Ukraine War Is Far From Over

Barack Obama, also known as Satan or ‘Antichrist,’ spoke at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit on Friday, June 10, where he warned that Russia’s war in Ukraine is “far from over,” and the costs will “continue to mount.” Yes, that is a no-brainer, they want to push this staged and mostly fake war for as long as possible. It’s part of the energy crisis agenda and the economic reset as I’ve explained in these posts:

Barack Obama, ‘The Antichrist,’ Warns The Ukraine War Is Far From Over Read the Full Article »

Staged False Flag Shooting at Maryland Factory Allegedly Leaves 3 Dead and 3 Injured

Another staged and faked shooting just made the headlines, and as in most of them, the number three is shoved in our faces again. Those darn pesky ‘mass shooters’ sure know to restrain themselves to three all the time – and three injured to boot, just like ’33,’ the Freemason’s calling card. Such a coincident, right? The scripted story states that a 23-year-old man shoot four coworkers – three fatally – at ‘Columbia Machine,’

Staged False Flag Shooting at Maryland Factory Allegedly Leaves 3 Dead and 3 Injured Read the Full Article »

Philadelphia and Chattanooga False Flag Mass Shootings

Two new mass shootings in two days, in close succession to the Tulsa Saint Francis Hospital and the Uvalde School Shooting. The current agenda in the US is very clear and they are staging shooting after shooting, still most sheep doesn’t seem to notice the sudden change and focus. In both of these shootings, 3 people were allegedly killed. ‘Three’ spelled out sums to 56, the symbolic number of the Society of Jesus, or

Philadelphia and Chattanooga False Flag Mass Shootings Read the Full Article »

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