
In the Year of Green: Sprite Will No Longer be Sold in Green Bottles

The Coca-Cola Company said Wednesday it’s changing the packaging of Sprite from green to clear plastic beginning August 1 as part to become more ‘environmentally responsible.’Well, if you think this has anything to do with the environment, then you are very naïve. This is a clear masonic ritual and part of the silly green agenda that has been accelerating this year. Remember the importance of the number ‘333’ in Masonic lore? I covered that […]

In the Year of Green: Sprite Will No Longer be Sold in Green Bottles Read the Full Article »

July 22, the Day of Freemasonic Ritual Retirements – Vince McMahon and Volkswagen CEO

Former WWE CEO Vince McMahon is a well-known 33rd degree Freemason within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and yesterday, on July 22, a day with the ‘22’ Freemasonic Master Builder Number, he stepped down and ‘retired.’ If you take a peek at the WWE logotype, you will see two ‘W’ stacked on each other. Just like the double ‘M,’ the double ‘W’ can symbolically be tipped on its side and read as a double

July 22, the Day of Freemasonic Ritual Retirements – Vince McMahon and Volkswagen CEO Read the Full Article »

Indiana Shopping Mall – Another Staged Shooting on a Sunday with 3 Dead — Updated!

Here we go yet again with another shooting on a SUN-day and once again the headlines tell us that 3 people have been killed. The magic number of 3 — ‘three’ when spelled out that sums to their beloved ’56,’ as in ‘staged’ and their previous coronavirus hoax code, and 56 is the number for the Society of Jesus, aka., the Jesuit Order. And if ‘3’ were killed, you just have to have ‘2’

Indiana Shopping Mall – Another Staged Shooting on a Sunday with 3 Dead — Updated! Read the Full Article »

Austin Newspaper Release Edited Video from Staged Uvalde School Shooting

Here we go again with more ritualistic crap from this staged and very fake shooting. The edited video shows the gunman entering the building at 11:33. Yes, 11 as in the first Freemasonic ‘Master Number,’ as in the most powerful number in numerology, and 33 as in the Master Teacher Number, and the highest rank of Scottish Rite Freemasonry; their calling-card number. It does not get any more obvious than this, folks! As for

Austin Newspaper Release Edited Video from Staged Uvalde School Shooting Read the Full Article »

Novak Djokovic Wins 21st Grand Slam at Wimbledon All by the Numbers

Puppet Novak Djokovic, also known as ‘Mr. 53’ during the staged and fake Pandemic, is now 35-years-old (like 53 in reverse,) and is back in the news after his 21st Grand Slam victory, and as always, it’s all by the numbers.Novak is now one ‘grand slam’ title behind the all-time record set by Rafael Nadal of 22 – you know, 22 as in the Freemasonic ‘Master Builder Number.’ As for him being 35 and

Novak Djokovic Wins 21st Grand Slam at Wimbledon All by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

The Donald Trump Memes That Foreshadowed the Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones – All Planned by the Numbers!

The Georgia Guidestones was put up on March 22, 1980, like 3/22, or 322, as in Order 322, the Freemasonic Order out of Yales University, New Hagen, Connecticut. On them, they were credited to “R.C. Christian,” who probably was Freemason and Eugenist Robert Carter Cook, and also seems to be a play on words as in ‘Rosicrucian,’ the Order of the Rose Cross (and its founder,) who were an important instrument in the colonization

The Donald Trump Memes That Foreshadowed the Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones – All Planned by the Numbers! Read the Full Article »

Georgia Guidestones Explosion — Skull and Bones Freemasonic Ritual — 2 New Updates (I Was 100% Correct!)

The Georgia Guidestones explosion is trending on social media and it was NOT a random act by some “terrorist,” nor was it a strike against the ‘cabal;’ it was a pre-planned ritual by the Jesuits and the Freemasons as everything is on the world stage – and it’s all in the numbers. They want you to talk about it, they want you to think that it was an act against them. It’s what the

Georgia Guidestones Explosion — Skull and Bones Freemasonic Ritual — 2 New Updates (I Was 100% Correct!) Read the Full Article »

July 4th Highland Park Parade Shooting is Connected to Copenhagen Field’s Shooting (Updated with Links)

We all knew they would come up with another shooting for July 4th in the United States. And they sure did, using a tiny man-child of a patsy in Robert E. Crimo aka., ‘Awake Music Videos.’ And the ritual behind the shooting is cleverly connected to the staged False Flag shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark that was held on July 3rd, just the day before. Please check out that faked nonsense here: As I mentioned

July 4th Highland Park Parade Shooting is Connected to Copenhagen Field’s Shooting (Updated with Links) Read the Full Article »

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