
Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19

Here we are, more than four years later, and while many have woken up and realized that there never was a pandemic, that “Covid-19” never existed outside a silly computer model, a lot of sleeping and retarded people still believe that viruses exist. And as the “people” ruling over this world, and their corrupted inverted “medical health care” and pharmaceutical industry need to keep the scam going, one of their puppets, one of their […]

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19 Read the Full Article »

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival

As I wrote on January 12, after the scripted House Select Subcommittee hearing with Anthony Fauci, the “lab leak theory” psy-op is once again being pushed by the ‘right-wing,’ ‘alt-right,’ and ‘alternative media.’ This is, of course, by design; as to keep the ‘non-believers’ on the fake political right within the illusion of viruses and contagion. While the dumbed-down people on the ‘left’ already are afraid of non-existing viruses and catching “disease” from other

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival Read the Full Article »

Fauci: COVID ‘6-feet’ Social Distancing Lacked Scientific Basis

“Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers on the House Select Subcommittee, Tuesday, that guidelines to keep six feet of separation — ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.Fauci, did also, during the questioning about the origins of COVID-19, reportedly admit that the lab leak theory was not a conspiracy theory or out of the realm of possibility.” This story, where Fauci admitted to the House Select

Fauci: COVID ‘6-feet’ Social Distancing Lacked Scientific Basis Read the Full Article »

Comeback for COVAIDS-1984? Europe and U.S. Hints of New Fakery

All since they switched the script at the start of, ‘The Year of the Tiger,’ in February with the silly staged and fake CGI-war in Ukraine, poor little covaids-1984 has been put on the back burner. Instead, we had some over-the-top juvenile attempts to keep the programming of invisible contagious boogeymen alive by the reintroduction of Monkeypox and even Polio. However, those attempts were so half-hearted that they simply dissolved like a fart in

Comeback for COVAIDS-1984? Europe and U.S. Hints of New Fakery Read the Full Article »

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual

As they try to keep the Cov-idiotism relevant and alive in the minds of the sheeple, their Jesuit puppet and fake-disease poster-boy Anthony Fauci had to step up to the plate on June 15 and fake having Covid in a clear ‘Number of the Beast’ 666-tribute ritual. June 15, 2022 is a date that can be written as 666 in numerology.6/15/2022 = 6 / (1+5) / (2+0+2+2) = 6/6/6. Anthony Fauci was born on

Charlatan Anthony Fauci Tests Positive for Covid in 666-Ritual Read the Full Article »

CDC recommends Pfizer & Moderna vaccines over J&J’s in Another Jesuit Ritual

As with all previous votes for recommendation or authorization, CDC follow their tradition of performing heavily coded rituals, as we easily can see using numerology and gematria. These votes are nothing more than a ritual, following the pre-planned script. It’s all theatre and part of the New World Order agenda. This story broke on December 16, 2021, when there was 15 days remaining in the year. The alleged vote was 15-0. The staged and

CDC recommends Pfizer & Moderna vaccines over J&J’s in Another Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984

This goes back to my previous post about the Jesuit puppet Anthony Fauci and his new ‘inquiries’ about this false narrative.Most educated people should know by now that there is no such thing as virus or a contagion, it is not possible within the realm of biology and microbiology. The germ theory with unicorn-fantasy-viruses has been debunked so many times I will just leave it there. I wrote about this in my article about

And the theatre continues – lab-leak theory behind the imaginary CONAIDS-1984 Read the Full Article »

The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op backed by Fauci

How cute! The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op for the sheeple continues, this time backed by diaper-boy Fauci! The Jesuit puppet and actor with an IQ of about 70, Anthony Fauci, now claims, “he’s not convinced Covid-1984 developed naturally.”First and foremost, there is NO contagion! Covid-19 does not exist. No alleged virus in history of mankind has ever been isolated or even proven to exist! The germ and virus theory is a big fat money-making scam!

The silly ‘bioweapon’ Psy-Op backed by Fauci Read the Full Article »

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