
Snowflakes Can’t Handle the Truth — When the Programming Kicks In

Here we go again with another account restriction over at Facebook. Is it my 20th? 25th? Heck knows. However, the post was back after 10 minutes, even after two separate reports, but my current 24-hours ban remains. FB F**kers, fix your broken system! Anyway, since I can’t post on Facebook for another 24 hours, here is my uncensored message: I guess someone got envious that this article at my website got more than 1300 […]

Snowflakes Can’t Handle the Truth — When the Programming Kicks In Read the Full Article »

Banned for 30-days on Facebook Again For Exposing Lies

Ah, look at this, we have some soy-boy sheeple crying, bleating and reporting posts again. How sad. How truly sad that ‘people’ like that exist in this day and age. If you can’t handle the truth, just go to your little satanic safe-zone in front of the tell-a-lie-vision. You’re obviously not ready for the real world yet. This simply means that if you post comments or tag me on Facebook, I will not be

Banned for 30-days on Facebook Again For Exposing Lies Read the Full Article »

INSANITY: Meta Products such as Facebook and Instagram Now Allows Hate Speech and Wishing Death Upon Russians

Wow, just wow. If you expose lies and challenge fake authorial propaganda using your God-given Free Speech, you get account suspensions, shadow bans, or you get your whole account deleted, but if you call for death and violence against Russia and Russian civilians, you’re fully in your right of “Free Speech” according to these sick and twisted bastards. It’s time to wake up now little sheep. And this is of course all done by

INSANITY: Meta Products such as Facebook and Instagram Now Allows Hate Speech and Wishing Death Upon Russians Read the Full Article »

Back on Facebook – For Now

I’m back on Facebook after my third 30-days ban in less than 5 months. Exposing lies and telling the truth is not popular among the globalists, the lurking shills, and the controlled opposition.On a positive note, being banned gives me even more time and energy to put into writing free articles for my website bartoll.se and posting more content, engaging in discussions and answering questions at our own uncensored online community at Ungovernable.se. Make

Back on Facebook – For Now Read the Full Article »

Banned Another 30-days on Facebook for Exposing Lies!

I just got another 30-days Facebook ban for exposing lies (and a shadow ban for 90 + 59 days.) They are really desperate! If you want daily top-notch information, to take part in discussions or ask questions about pretty much anything, please join us at Ungovernable.se — the best truth community out there. And now I get even more time to put into it!

Banned Another 30-days on Facebook for Exposing Lies! Read the Full Article »

Suspended from Fascistbook for 30 days once again!

Truth is a hard pill to swallow. Brainwashed people and government shills reporting posts. That is the price we pay over and over again for trying our best to wake up and help people. In the end though, it just strengthens our resolve. This time they tried to censor the truth about the war crimes of injecting children with sterilizing and deadly poison. No man or woman in their right mind would ever allow

Suspended from Fascistbook for 30 days once again! Read the Full Article »

Leaving Facebook?

I see a lot of ‘truthers’ and ‘diet-woke’ people talking about leaving Facebook. Sure, it’s a heavily censored platform with fascist pigs calling themselves “fact checkers” hiding truths and semi-truths while promoting lies and propaganda. However, most people are on Facebook; the ones slowly waking up, the ones we need to reach and help.Other platforms are miniscule in comparison, and they are ALL controlled, simply used to gather information just as Facebook (and they

Leaving Facebook? Read the Full Article »

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