
Weather Warfare: Tornadoes Tear America’s Heartland

While Fox News reported that there were at least 59 reported tornadoes across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa as of 7 p.m. ET, CNN reported that there were at least 60 reports of tornadoes in at least five states as of 9:30 p.m. ET. The tornadoes reportedly began in the open plains and the south (The Great Plains/The Plains.) As you probably know, weather control is carried out by the Freemasons within the […]

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Taiwan’s 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake on Jesus Crucifixion Anniversary

The story of the earthquake hitting Taiwan developed as I wrote yesterday’s article, so I covered it this morning instead, as it was 100% man-made and scripted by two big numbers, those of 74 and 94. Although some news outlets first reported a magnitude of 7.5 and 7.7, the Jesuit CNN reported 7.4 right from the start, a number that is read as ‘74’ in gematria, the number representing God and Jesus Christ, and

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Cyclic Dextrin is Toxic Crap

The supplement-shills over at the “fitness website” T Nation continues with their disguised advertisement articles based on flawed science and backwards thinking. This time it is (once again,) their CCO Chris Shugart, who obviously knows absolutely nothing about human physiology, pushing Cyclic Dextrin also referred to as Highly Branched Cluster Dextrin (HBCD,) a type of high-molecular-weight maltodextrin. Now, HBCD is nothing new, it’s been around for a long time. It’s simply a dextrin, produced

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Dumb and Dumber: Drinking Water to Aid Fat Loss

A few days ago, the government-shill-website Healthline updated their article from 2023 on ‘drinking water to help with weight loss,’ written by some ‘Adda Bjarnadottir.’ Let’s see what they got wrong, or purposely lied about, this time. The article begins with the following statement to reel in their gullible readers: “Drinking water can help burn calories and reduce hunger cravings. Replacing sugary drinks with water can also lower caloric and sugar intake. But there

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If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault

The pharmaceutical pseudoscience shill site ‘healthline’ recently posted an article with what they call the “science” of being ‘cranky,’ as in the reasons for feeling irritable and annoyed. Science you say? Well, the first rule of “science” is to question everything, especially what is believed by indoctrinated dimwits to be “established science,” so this could be fun. Let’s get on with it. In their article, ‘healthline’ presents five explanations for being stuck in a

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Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated

While Muscle & Fitness has lost a lot of readers over the years, and rightfully so, they still rank among the top 15 “fitness” websites in the world. One of their featured “nutrition” articles aimed at fat loss is called “10 things you need to know when starting a new diet plan,” written by Emmie Satrazemis. As most brainwashed nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, and coaches, the staff at Muscle & Fitness, including Emmie, are

Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated Read the Full Article »

Stupid and Unhealthy Scams: The Fasting-Mimicking Diet

This might be one of the stupidest and most mislabeled “diet” fads to re-surface in a really long time. And when a pharmaceutical shill-website such as the evil ‘Medical News Today’ writes about it in a positive manner, you know that it’s satanical inversed bullshit. Before we move on, let’s define what a “fasting-mimicking diet” really is. According to the authors and the disinformation agent they interviewed, the one big shill Dr. Valter D.

Stupid and Unhealthy Scams: The Fasting-Mimicking Diet Read the Full Article »

You’re Still Completely Wrong About “Weight Loss”

Sima Sistani, CEO of the Freemasonic and health-damaging company WeightWatchers, has of late become well-practiced at saying the three little words of “We were wrong.” That’s a lot of “W’s,” you know, the letter that when flipped counter-clockwise becomes a ‘3,’ symbolic for Freemasonry. Since early October, Sima Sistani has been on the bandwagon of putting the blame on outside and ‘uncontrollable’ factors, just like what the fraudulent “Health Care” industry and the Medical

You’re Still Completely Wrong About “Weight Loss” Read the Full Article »

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