
Aspirin Might Decrease Risk of “Colorectal Cancer,” But It Will Also Kill You!

The pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today recently posted an article shamelessly promoting the deadly drug aspirin based on a flawed and retarded study from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Ivy League’s and Owl Club’s Harvard Medical School, known for their MK Ultra mind control research with LSD in the 60’s. Also, Harvard has almost exclusively been managed and funded by the Scottish Rite Freemasonic Rockefeller elite family of the Saturn cult, used to distract […]

Aspirin Might Decrease Risk of “Colorectal Cancer,” But It Will Also Kill You! Read the Full Article »

Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity

T-Nation, the self-proclaimed community for “enhanced fitness” is back with another advertisement article for a totally useless supplement. This time it’s “beta glucan,” a soluble fiber, as in a structural polysaccharide composed of β-D-glucose molecules linked through 1,3 and/or 1,6 glycosidic bonds, derived from the cell walls of various organisms, including algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plants (such as highly toxic oats and barley.) To make it easy, a monosaccharide (mono means “single unit”,)

Beta Glucan Will Hinder Nutrient Absorption And Increase Toxicity Read the Full Article »

The False Calcium and pH Disinformation Psy-Op And a High Animal Protein Diet

You know that you’ve made it as a disinformation agent, as a shill for the plant-based food industry, when the top-dog of controlled opposition, Dr. Mercola, features your juvenile garbage on his website. Yes, I’m talking about Dr. James DiNicolantoni, a gatekeeping shill that mixes some nutritional truths, such as the ketogenic diet and the benefits of cholesterol, with a lot of deception and lies. And that is the only conclusion I can draw

The False Calcium and pH Disinformation Psy-Op And a High Animal Protein Diet Read the Full Article »

Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper (Piperine) Linked to Liver Damage

This should not come as a surprise, as these spices and herbs are very rich in phenols and polyphenols, as in phytonutrients, as in plant defense chemicals; poisonous compounds produced by the plant to ward off and kill anyone who tries to eat it. This is common knowledge within biology. What might come as a surprise is that the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today actually writes about it. Well, they kind of have to,

Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper (Piperine) Linked to Liver Damage Read the Full Article »

Microplastics – What Do We Know?

Microplastics is one of the latest fear mongering tactics from the Health Research Institutes, and it’s something I’ve been getting an increase in questions about. The government- and pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today has recently been writing a lot about microplastics, and today we’re going to take a look at their latest article about microplastics found in penises and whether it can affect fertility and sperm count. “Male infertility remains a global issue, with

Microplastics – What Do We Know? Read the Full Article »

A Fast-Mimicking Diet Is Nothing Close To Fasting!

Today, we once again return to the Pharmaceutical-, Medical- and Government shill-website Healthline and their extremely dangerous and retarded take on the latest fad called the “Fast-Mimicking Diet.” Before we continue, fasting is a state of self-imposed “starvation,” as in not eating anything at all, and preferably not drinking anything either, as in the highly effective method of dry fasting. You cannot imitate ‘not eating’ by actually eating. That is frikkiin’ retarded. You get

A Fast-Mimicking Diet Is Nothing Close To Fasting! Read the Full Article »

Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes

This story trended in Swedish media on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. It seems to be based on some complete and extremely evil nutjobs within the Swedish medical industry, as I could not find any similar or related articles published in international media. If you find something, feel free to contact me on social media and I might do a follow up. Now, the retarded and also extremely harmful, maiming, and potentially deadly theory put

Swedish Propaganda: Vaccinate Babies Against Covid-19 to Prevent Diabetes Read the Full Article »

Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals

Here we go again, the shill and government disinformation agent Dr. Joseph Mercola, posing as a ‘free thinker,’ ‘truther’ and medical-rebel, is back with more lies and propaganda about plants and their extremely toxic chemical compounds. Although I’ve covered many defense chemicals (phytonutrients/phytochemicals) and antinutrients in previous articles, I haven’t really touched specifically on terpenoids until now. So, let’s see how Mercola twists, lies, and bullshit you this time. And a fair warning, I

Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals Read the Full Article »

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