
The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming

While we have been ‘distracted’ and mentally teared down with psy-ops and false flags such as the fake war in Ukraine, daily shootings (and even bombings,) while the cost of living have slowly gone up every month and food-farms and facilities have been burning, they have also been working hard in the shadows to prepare another staged and totally fake pandemic.Question is, will it be another imaginary strain of ‘CONvid-19,’ or will they use […]

The Second Planned-Pandemic is Coming Read the Full Article »

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12

While the sheep are distracted by the staged theatre in Ukraine and the fake pandemic seems to be on hold, the powers of evil is still marching on in the shadows laying the groundwork for the depopulation agenda – and as always, it’s done in a ritualistic manner by the numbers. On the 16th of March, as in 16/3, like 163, Moderna announced this new vaccine trial for kids aged 6 months to 11

Moderna Starts Another Covid-19 Vaccine 666-Trial Ritual in Kids Younger than 12 Read the Full Article »

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine

On November 2, I wrote a short article listing 30 bodybuilders that have died in 2021 and most of them, if not all, had taken the completely unnecessary but maiming, sterilizing and deadly covid-19 vaccine. We have also seen other “newsworthy” people as well as athletes in most sports drop dead in the recent months, mostly from heart attack, cardiac arrest and myocarditis – and all of them had taken the shot. There is

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine Read the Full Article »

Propaganda by the Numbers: Pfizer Vaccine Allegedly 93% Effective Among Children

Well, just breathing is 100% effective in preventing Covid-19 hospitalization, because it does not exist. But let’s humor these satanic bastards, decoding their silly lies using Gematria; their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word. The headline claims: “Pfizer vaccine is 93% effective in preventing Covid-19 hospitalization among adolescents, CDC study finds” How did

Propaganda by the Numbers: Pfizer Vaccine Allegedly 93% Effective Among Children Read the Full Article »

The Fake Pandemic, ‘888’, and October 31

For those with eyes to see, this should not need any further explanation. Halloween and Reformation Day is coming up, both carrying the gematria value of 888. Will there be something special for us on October 31? The second pandemic simulation, Event 201, was held on October 18, 2019. Reformation Day of 2021 is on October 31st. That is a span of 2 years and 14 days, as in 214. And, of course, we

The Fake Pandemic, ‘888’, and October 31 Read the Full Article »

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29

How nice of them to wait with this until mid-autumn, the perfect transition between seasons just before our natural cleaning and detoxification process occurs in most people that are toxic. Yes, unless you are a sleeping brainwashed little sheep, you should know by now that the germ- and virus theory is just that, a theory, and a fraudulent one at that. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist as a contagion.

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29 Read the Full Article »

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel

As a truth-seeker, information analyst, and expert of human physiology, biology, and microbiology, you wish you were wrong about almost everything you find out and understand in today’s world. All the information is available to find for those who seek. Unfortunately, most people are so tired, fatigued, and dumbed down, that they never research anything. They just get spoon-fed by the Jesuit-controlled propaganda machine called ‘the news’.When the first shot of vaccine was administrated

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel Read the Full Article »

“Short Illness”, the ‘code word’ for Vaccine Deaths?

More and more news-stories pop up where people have died after “short illness”, all of them vaccinated, of course. Just check the link below or the obituaries in the local paper… And a quick look at Gematria reveals quite a bit. All these phrases have 2, or 3 cipher matches with “Short Illness”, which is really rare. World War Three: what the vaccines are, silent weapons for a quiet war.Puppet Master: the 13 families

“Short Illness”, the ‘code word’ for Vaccine Deaths? Read the Full Article »

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