
5.6 billion vaccine doses administrated worldwide. More ‘56’-corona numerology

On September 9, the day formatted as 9/9, or 66 turned upside-down (as in the hanging man), Statista claims that 5.6 billion vaccine doses has been administered worldwide for something that does not exist. This goes hand in hand with my article on the fabricated numbers here in Sweden. Everything is a big fat lie, including their statistics. For them it’s just a way to influence the weak-minded, and more importantly, do their rituals.Remember, […]

5.6 billion vaccine doses administrated worldwide. More ‘56’-corona numerology Read the Full Article »

Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count

The Swedish Public Health Authority, you know, the complete incompetent bigots who admitted that there is no proof whatsoever that covid-19 exist (page 45, and no it doesn’t exist), now claims that 7 006 231 people have received at least one shot, and of those roughly 7 million, 6 131 967 people have received two shots. So, 6 131 967 have received two shots, that is a total of 12 263 934 shots.7 006 231 – 6 131 967 = 874 264 with one shot.That totals (12 263 934

Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count Read the Full Article »

Why did George Orwell’s dystopian novel take place in 1984? And why is it so closely tied to our current events?

Starting 2020, and the time thereafter, has by many been compared to Orwell’s novel 1984. Our freedom and rights have slowly been taken away by design, but with the fake pandemic it took a huge leap with lockdowns, destruction of small businesses, division and discrimination through vaccine cards and other totalitarian and dystopian measures. Some people make jokes and say that Orwell was right about everything in his novel regarding the future and that

Why did George Orwell’s dystopian novel take place in 1984? And why is it so closely tied to our current events? Read the Full Article »

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29

How nice of them to wait with this until mid-autumn, the perfect transition between seasons just before our natural cleaning and detoxification process occurs in most people that are toxic. Yes, unless you are a sleeping brainwashed little sheep, you should know by now that the germ- and virus theory is just that, a theory, and a fraudulent one at that. No virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist as a contagion.

Sweden to Remove All Corona Restrictions on September 29 Read the Full Article »

Today’s Propaganda: Vietnamese man jailed for five years for spreading coronavirus

Imaging that, being jailed for something that is less likely to be real than the Teletubbies or the wisecracking talking horse Mister Ed.Yes, of course it’s pure bullocks. There is no coronavirus, there is no contagion, but there is a quiet war being waged upon us with silent weapons. Weapons such as government, the media, the fake western ‘modern’ medicine, the big corporations, and now the maiming jab – made possible by this fake

Today’s Propaganda: Vietnamese man jailed for five years for spreading coronavirus Read the Full Article »

More Distasteful Vaccine Propaganda from the Media

I’ve covered several stories about ‘celebrities’ pushing this depopulation vaccine, as the little puppets on strings they are. False idols promoting pure evil as instructed by their handlers to persuade the weak-minded to hurt and even kill themselves. By partaking in this fake pandemic, by recommending the vaccine, you are a complicit to all the side-effects, including sterilization and death. You are by definition a war criminal and I assure you; justice will prevail

More Distasteful Vaccine Propaganda from the Media Read the Full Article »

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel

As a truth-seeker, information analyst, and expert of human physiology, biology, and microbiology, you wish you were wrong about almost everything you find out and understand in today’s world. All the information is available to find for those who seek. Unfortunately, most people are so tired, fatigued, and dumbed down, that they never research anything. They just get spoon-fed by the Jesuit-controlled propaganda machine called ‘the news’.When the first shot of vaccine was administrated

Deaths Skyrockets After the Third Vaccine Shot in Israel Read the Full Article »

Gatekeeper Joe Rogan Allegedly Caught the Fake ‘Rona

Before UFC went mainstream and started with really obvious rigged and staged fights (by the numbers) around 2012, I saw every fight and I really loved MMA. Mainly because I trained some classical martial arts in my young age, and did a lot of combat training in my early 20’s. UFC introduced me to Joe Rogan and when he opened his discussion forums in the early 2000’s we interacted quite a bit for a

Gatekeeper Joe Rogan Allegedly Caught the Fake ‘Rona Read the Full Article »

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