
Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He?

As I’m pressed for time this morning, this will be a short summary of the much-debated Matthew Perry’s alleged death. First and foremost, you need to realize that every single celebrity, star, and public figure on the world stage that get exposure is heavily controlled. They only let people that they control get exposure. These people are either mind-controlled puppets, as in under contract and controlled by handlers, or they are in the club, […]

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He? Read the Full Article »

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl and Ronnie Turner Dead by the Numbers – And Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome (Not the Poke)

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, these “celeb” deaths or weird ‘diseases’ are being reported pretty much every day now. And again, none of these “celebrities” have taken the poke, the clot shot. The other day Celine Dion was said to have “Stiff-Person Syndrome” all by the numbers. Of course, this is one of the made-up side-effects printed on page 8 of Pfizer’s “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports,” which

Soccer Journalist Grant Wahl and Ronnie Turner Dead by the Numbers – And Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome (Not the Poke) Read the Full Article »

The Facebook Celeb Posts Glitch – A Zuckerberg 201-Jesuit Ritual

This Wednesday morning thousands of Facebook users reported issues with the platform, with many pointing out that their feed was showing posts from people commenting on celebrities’ pages — even if they didn’t follow the commenter or the celebrity. Well, Mark Zuckerberg is known for his loyal Jesuit 201-rituals, and that is exactly what this is. It’s not a glitch, it’s not a hack, it’s deliberately and it’s a tribute to the actual controllers

The Facebook Celeb Posts Glitch – A Zuckerberg 201-Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Bob Saget dead at 65 in big ritual tied to the 49ers and his vaccine propaganda tweet

On August 9, 2021, Bob Saget wrote a tweet encouraging his followers to take the vaccine, or “visine” to “save eyes” as he put it, in a try to be the forever comedian. Five months later to the day, on January 9, he is reported dead by his family and the media. Dead or retired, this is obviously another freemasonic ritual calculated and brought to you by the Jesuit Order and to gaslight anti-vaxxers.

Bob Saget dead at 65 in big ritual tied to the 49ers and his vaccine propaganda tweet Read the Full Article »

Kobe Bryant is NFL Star Myles Garrett

If you know anything about the entertainment industry and about fabricated “celebrities”, you know that they are all actors simply playing roles they’ve been assigned. When they have achieved what they were set out to do, as per their rituals, the character is killed off, and the actor is assigned a new role. This is part of the freemason ritual, to reinvent yourself, to be born anew. Now, every sport at the top level

Kobe Bryant is NFL Star Myles Garrett Read the Full Article »

All world-famous people are invented and played by actors

Yes, I’ve touched on this subject many, many times in the last four years. However, this is one of many important things to understand about our world and that everything is fabricated, staged, and fake. It’s all theatre for the masses to control us. To give us false idols, to tell us how to think, what to believe in, and what to waste precious time and money on. All world-famous people are invented, just

All world-famous people are invented and played by actors Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual

If you didn’t know, the awful rock band KISS is an acronym for ‘Knights in Satan’s Service.” Yet, disinformation shills such as the laughable CIA-controlled Snopes will try and convince you otherwise. However, I grew up with this shit before turning to electronic body music in my teenage years – and Kiss was as Satanic as they come. Their album covers, the symbolism, their make-ups, everything. Also, Kiss was often stylized as KIϟϟ, with lightning

Satan’s Little Knight Gene Simmons Hates Unvaccinated in a Jesuit ‘56’ Ritual Read the Full Article »

Satan’s Little Helper, Chris Rock, Lies About Having Covid – and All by The Numbers

The false idols, a.k.a., ‘celebrities’, are under contract and are being used frequently in this staged and faked pandemic. I’ve exposed several of them, and this time it’s the pathetic little “comedian” Chris Rock.Chris says he has Covid and urges everyone to get the maiming, deadly and purely idiotic covid vaccine. A shot that can put you in the ground against something that does not even exist. Yes, all these criminals will get what

Satan’s Little Helper, Chris Rock, Lies About Having Covid – and All by The Numbers Read the Full Article »

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