Alternative Media

World Stage: The Julian Assange Extradition Battle

On February 21, 2024, the media actor Julian Assange, used as controlled opposition and portrayed as the baby troofer’s conspiracy theorist who always is on the run for something (keeping the illusion that he must be “on to something” as he is hunted by the government,) was back in the news as another staged and fake extradition court hearing allegedly took place. The media puts it as, “In a last-ditch bid to stop the […]

World Stage: The Julian Assange Extradition Battle Read the Full Article »

Actors on the World Stage and the New Agenda of Luring in the Right-Wingers

A few hours after I decoded the utterly staged and fake “shooting” at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, Fox News and some other “Right-Wing” media channels joined the psy-op and “identified” the dead “female” shooter as a ‘transgender.’ With this scripted, and totally irrelevant update of the staged theatrical event, we are reminded of another psy-op, another totally fake shooting that took place at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. If you remember, the fake

Actors on the World Stage and the New Agenda of Luring in the Right-Wingers Read the Full Article »

Baby Troofers Excited About World-Stage Actors Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin

Again, my social media feed has been swamped with clueless baby troofers buying into the world stage theatrics and the scripted interview of Vladimir Putin by the Jesuit controlled media-actor Tucker Carlson. It’s getting really embarrassing by now. If you still believe that the staged and fake war in Ukraine is real, you probably believed in the Covid-19 ritual and psy-op and you are likely still wearing a face diaper, perhaps an adult diaper

Baby Troofers Excited About World-Stage Actors Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Read the Full Article »

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival

As I wrote on January 12, after the scripted House Select Subcommittee hearing with Anthony Fauci, the “lab leak theory” psy-op is once again being pushed by the ‘right-wing,’ ‘alt-right,’ and ‘alternative media.’ This is, of course, by design; as to keep the ‘non-believers’ on the fake political right within the illusion of viruses and contagion. While the dumbed-down people on the ‘left’ already are afraid of non-existing viruses and catching “disease” from other

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival Read the Full Article »

Fauci: COVID ‘6-feet’ Social Distancing Lacked Scientific Basis

“Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers on the House Select Subcommittee, Tuesday, that guidelines to keep six feet of separation — ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 — “sort of just appeared” without scientific input.Fauci, did also, during the questioning about the origins of COVID-19, reportedly admit that the lab leak theory was not a conspiracy theory or out of the realm of possibility.” This story, where Fauci admitted to the House Select

Fauci: COVID ‘6-feet’ Social Distancing Lacked Scientific Basis Read the Full Article »

Controlled Opposition 101: Elon Musk Reactivates Alex Jones’ X Account

Look at that. Another staged media ritual and more chickenfeed for the baby-truthers who believe that Elon Musk and Alex Jones are real and on the “side of the people.” Once again, these deceived baby-truthers will rejoice over something staged by their slave masters, by the elite. So, one of the big headlines from December 10, 2023, was that of the actor and puppet of the elite, Elon Musk, playing the Horus archetype, based

Controlled Opposition 101: Elon Musk Reactivates Alex Jones’ X Account Read the Full Article »

Mainstream Media, Alternative Media and Controlled Opposition Playing the Same Game

I’ve touched on this many times, especially in my media– and ‘auto-hoax’ articles from several years ago. However, looking at my social media feeds after the obviously staged and fake mass shootings in Lewiston, this needs to be addressed again. When it comes to these staged and totally fake shootings (I covered and decoded more than 80 fake shootings since 2021,) it’s all about their current ‘political’ agendas, their occult and satanic rituals, and

Mainstream Media, Alternative Media and Controlled Opposition Playing the Same Game Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 20

In part 19 we covered the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Covid-19 hoax ritual, the staged mind-control operation that began in 2020 and was “officially” deemed as ‘over,’ as in no longer a “Public health emergency of international concern,” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5, 2023. The puppet character representing the U.S. President, ‘Joe Biden’, ended the national public health emergency declaration on May 11, 2023, with the notion that it does not

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 20 Read the Full Article »

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