Aftermath of Hurricane Ian – Flood Insurance and Agenda 2030

On October 9th, CNN and a few other news outlets ran with stories of families financially struggling after being flooded by their own government and their weather modification warfare, that this time was called, Hurricane Ian. This comes as no surprise as homeowners’ insurance does not cover flood damage. You would think that it did, and most people simply assume it does, especially considering that Florida has been hit quite often by weather modification […]

Aftermath of Hurricane Ian – Flood Insurance and Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

China Claims Fake Monkeypox Case and Fuels Xenophobia

It’s been really slow in the mainstream media since they announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Today however, as it is the final day of the funeral, that will change. Anyway, as for yesterday, they just had to go with all the fake viruses yet again – to remind us of these non-existing threats. It’s not enough to keep people worrying about gas and food costs or shortages, or their next electrical bill;

China Claims Fake Monkeypox Case and Fuels Xenophobia Read the Full Article »

How Sweden Secretly Adopted the Evil Enslavement Agenda 2030

A dear friend asked me to write this short article as I have only mentioned this a few times as side-notes in previous articles. Unfortunately, most people are still unaware of this and why Sweden is crumbling and falling apart. Considering the recent staged and fake Parliament Election is Sweden, it is as relevant as ever. If you’re unfamiliar with the Satanic enslavement system known as Agenda 2030, which is also called “The Fourth

How Sweden Secretly Adopted the Evil Enslavement Agenda 2030 Read the Full Article »

Artemis 1 Launch Postponed for September 2 (33) or 5 (56)

Nothing keeps the buzz going among the gullible sheep believing in space like some advanced mechanical engine trouble – not to mention that it validates the belief that the rocket is real and that everything surrounding this launch must be calculated to perfection. As for example, that the next silly made-up launch window is September 2, “opening” on 12:48 p.m. and closing on 2:48 p.m., or the one after that being on September 5,

Artemis 1 Launch Postponed for September 2 (33) or 5 (56) Read the Full Article »

The Dow Rose 322 Points on August 25 with a High of 33,3k – Freemasonry and Genesis 3:22

Do you still think that the stock market is real? That it is not being manipulated? Well, think again. As I’ve shown numerous times, the hidden hand that rule the world own and controls everything. To them, the stock market is just another ritualistic tool to use to make sure that the numbers line up as they should, that everything is played out in accordance to their script. This is how they believe they

The Dow Rose 322 Points on August 25 with a High of 33,3k – Freemasonry and Genesis 3:22 Read the Full Article »

Tyson Fury Fights ‘Knife Crime’ as Cousin Allegedly was Stabbed to Death

British boxing champion Tyson Fury trended in the media on Sunday saying his cousin was stabbed to death as he called on the UK government to take steps to curb knife crimes. “My cousin was murdered last night, stabbed in the neck, this is becoming ridiculous idiots carry knives,” Fury said on social media. So, his cousin was ‘stabbed in the neck,’ just as in the headlines about Salman Rushdie? Well, these things do

Tyson Fury Fights ‘Knife Crime’ as Cousin Allegedly was Stabbed to Death Read the Full Article »

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density

“People are stressed out and exhausted. The past two and a half years, full of public health crises, recession and inflation…” Well, I can almost agree with that reasoning. A lot of people are stressed out, exhausted and financially broken after living through the staged and fake pandemic and the increases in living cost from manipulated and rigged price increases of electricity, gasoline, and food. And even worse, people have been conditioned and brainwashed

People are Stressed and Exhausted as They Focus on Energy Drinks and ‘Calories’ Instead of Nutritional Density Read the Full Article »

Trump Could Face up to ‘33’ Years in Prison – The New Script after the August 16 ‘88/888’ Date — Updated

I started on this article while I was writing about the FBI and DHS bulletin about ‘Civil War,’ as it all connects. Unfortunately, my time has been very limited, but here it is. My conclusion of this week’s events. To recap, in their own secret language of gematria, ‘Trump’ and ‘Mar-a-Lago’ sums to ‘88’ in the simple English cipher and ‘Donald J. Trump’ and ‘Mar-a-Lago’ sums to ‘888’ in Sumerian. That is why the

Trump Could Face up to ‘33’ Years in Prison – The New Script after the August 16 ‘88/888’ Date — Updated Read the Full Article »

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