Search Results for: defense chemicals damage

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 44

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding […]

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 44 Read the Full Article »

The Infant/Baby Formula Propaganda and Programming

I guess most people have seen the headlines during the few last weeks about a shortage of infant/baby formula – and the ritual of Germany sending 35 tons to the US this last Sunday. This shortage is fabricated and the reason behind this is the ongoing agenda to weaken our population and make it dependent on their fake ‘modern medicine’ and pharmaceuticals. If you understand anything about biology and physiology, this is very logical

The Infant/Baby Formula Propaganda and Programming Read the Full Article »

Weight Gain and Why Some Pack on the Pounds While Others Struggle

As a former trainer, coach, and body transformation specialist, I’ve covered this subject many times when talking with clients and answering questions online. The topic resurfaced at our Community Forums at Ungovernable, so I decided to write this article to cover all the basics and to put some myths and bro-science to rest. The first excuse, or “explanation” you hear, is about your metabolism. You know, “I eat a lot but have a high

Weight Gain and Why Some Pack on the Pounds While Others Struggle Read the Full Article »

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless

If you understand that the germ theory is nothing more than a profitable lie, a scare tactic to push the ludicrous idea that you can catch an illness such as a cold or the flu, then you should also understand that the entire concept of transmittable diseases is false. You do not “catch” a disease, you only experience symptoms from the process of eliminating toxins and healing your body – which is done by

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless Read the Full Article »

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life

It’s time to unlearn all the pseudoscience and lies you’ve been spoon-fed since pre-school. I studied western medicine for about 17 years and it only gave me more questions than answers and almost killed me. Then I found the Terrain Theory and finally everything made sense and I recovered my health in just a few months – and I’ve helped many clients regain theirs and to get rid of modern diseases. One very important

Enjoy the Science: Germs/Bacteria, Essential to Life Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Deuterium

So far, we’ve dealt with two of more than a dozen antinutrients and defense chemicals found in plant ‘foods’ that we will cover in this article series. Next on the list is deuterium, a compound that most dieticians, nutritionists, doctors and clueless trainers don’t even know exists. Hydrogen comes in two “shapes”: we have regular hydrogen, which is actually called protium, and then we have deuterium. Deuterium has the same properties as hydrogen, except

Know Your Poison: Deuterium Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Phytic Acid

In this part of covering all the toxic plant chemicals, we will look at phytic acid; one of the few antinutrients that at least some people actually know exists. While it fades in comparison with some other plant defense toxins, it’s still a very serious and dangerous one. As with all antinutrients, they are simply chemicals that bind to nutrients that the plant, or seed, need in order to grow. Phytic acid is no

Know Your Poison: Phytic Acid Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Saponins

Saponins are antinutrients that belong to a class of defense chemicals found in abundance in certain plants. They are also known as ‘amphipathic glycosides’ from the soap-like foam they produce when shaken in watery solutions – and the fact that they are used as a model for detergents. The latter is very disturbing, and we’ll get to it in a moment. Saponins have a water-soluble carbohydrate bonded to a fat-soluble triterpene or steroid structure.

Know Your Poison: Saponins Read the Full Article »

Know Your Poison: Lectins

Plants, unlike animals, cannot run away from predators. To defend themselves from herbivores, insects, fungi and other threats, they produce toxic defense chemicals. One of them is known as lectins. Lectins are a plant defense mechanism that mainly protect the seeds, but can be found in other parts of the plant as well. As with anything living, the highest priority of the entity is reproduction. Therefore, seeds tend to have a higher concentration of

Know Your Poison: Lectins Read the Full Article »

Food labels are complete nonsense, what matters is what you actually absorb.

After a chemical analysis and on paper, most vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits look like they contain some vitamins, minerals and even protein. Unfortunately for us, we do not have the complex digestion and fermentation chambers of herbivores. While vitamins and minerals are in chemical form, which cannot be absorbed by humans and need to be converted, other problems also arise, such as antinutrients, fiber, and poisonous plant defense chemicals. The bioavailability and bioconversion

Food labels are complete nonsense, what matters is what you actually absorb. Read the Full Article »

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