Search Results for: climate change

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1

This will be a little series of articles where we look at misleading and false ‘conspiracy theories,’ as in psychological operations playing on baby ‘truthers’ and serving like chickenfeed of useless misinformation. Before we dive into the list, let’s do a quick recap of how the world actually works. What most people think is real and what they believe is going on in the world, is actually most of the time staged, scripted and […]

Truther Psy-Ops and Conspiracy Chickenfeed, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Shilling for Agenda 2030 Vegan Enslavement

The Jesuit’s puppet Eric Adams, who plays the role of New York City’s mayor, wants to cut the city’s meat budget in order to reduce emissions tied to the city’s food procurements by a Freemasonic 33 percent by 2030. How about that? Two psy-ops in one ritual to kick off ‘Earth Week.’ We already know that the climate change agenda is complete bullocks, a gigantic hoax. And we also know that the extremely unhealthy

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Shilling for Agenda 2030 Vegan Enslavement Read the Full Article »

Controlled Opposition and Jesuit Puppet Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run for President as Demon-crat

The “Covid-19 vaccine-skeptic” and “antivaccine activist” Kennedy Jr., who is controlled opposition set out to keep the fraudulent virus and contagion lies alive by not questioning these biological core lies, filed paperwork to run for president on April 5, 2023, the very Jesuit 95th day of the year. Remember, the Jesuit Order was recognized by Rome on September 27, 1540, the day leaving 95 days in the year, and it was founded to counter

Controlled Opposition and Jesuit Puppet Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Run for President as Demon-crat Read the Full Article »

Pulp Bassist Steve Mackey Dead at 56 After ‘Three’-Month Hospitalization

As you should know by now, all celebrities’ deaths are scripted, staged and executed by the numbers. No matter if they really are sacrificed or if their character is retired and they are assigned a new role to play on the world stage.And this is especially obvious when you get the number of ‘56’ thrown in your face, the number of the Jesuit Order, the staged and fake pandemic, and the fake climate change

Pulp Bassist Steve Mackey Dead at 56 After ‘Three’-Month Hospitalization Read the Full Article »

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere!

February 25th was the 56th day of the year, one of their favorite hoax-numbers, representing the whole fake and staged pandemic, the fake climate change agenda, and of course, representing Society of Jesus, the military Jesuit Order out of the Vatican whom pretty much control everything on the world stage through their minions within Freemasonry and other secret societies. Masonic Ritual = 56Society of Jesus = 56Freemasons = 56 Right out of the gate,

What Happened on the 56th Day of the Year? Threes Everywhere! Read the Full Article »

February 7: Severe Weather in Texas and Turkey Amid Rescue Efforts

If you know the code, this comes as no surprise. The man-made earthquake in Turkey and Syria was executed on the fifth of February, like 5/2, or 52, the weather and earth warfare number and with strong Satanic numbers. It also happened at a span of 52-days after Pope Francis birthday when counting the end date, and at the exact same time as the Grammy’s aired with the extremely Satanic performance by Sam Smith,

February 7: Severe Weather in Texas and Turkey Amid Rescue Efforts Read the Full Article »

Saturday Fourth Shooting: 7 People Allegedly Shot in Los Angeles, California

While the sleeping masses and the half-woke sheep has been distracted by the extreme fake and staged ‘Tyre Nichols’ show, your government and state brought you another Saturday mass shooting. If you’ve been around the block of actually questioning the official narrative, you know that Saturday shootings are one of their favorite rituals. Saturday = 107, 109, 102Shooting = 107, 109, 102 They staged it in Los Angeles. Los Angeles = 109Saturday = 109Shooting

Saturday Fourth Shooting: 7 People Allegedly Shot in Los Angeles, California Read the Full Article »

The Year of 223: Shootings in Half Moon Bay and Des Moines

Following the staged and extremely coded Monterey Park Lunar New Year shooting, allegedly executed by a 72-year-old Asian man, we immediately had another staged shooting in Half Moon Bay, blamed on another 67-year-old Asian man. Well, that theme of transitioning into the year of the Rabbit with faking shootings with old Asian men is hard to miss. And besides being wicked Freemasonic rituals of total fakery, the agenda is the same as always –

The Year of 223: Shootings in Half Moon Bay and Des Moines Read the Full Article »

Interesting Dates Coming Up: January 21/22, and Jan 24 to 26

This will be a short kind of ‘heads-up’ post. First out is puppet and Seventh King Donald Trump with a birthdate of June 14, which means that on January 21 and 22, it will be the 222nd day after his 76th birthday. Expect Trump to be featured in the headlines on January 21 or 22, most likely connected to their ongoing play on Revelation 13 and the Antichrist (Obama.) For more on this subject,

Interesting Dates Coming Up: January 21/22, and Jan 24 to 26 Read the Full Article »

Weather Warfare: California Flooding on January 10, 2023

From severe draught to extreme flooding in a matter of days. Thunderstorms were drenching northern California Tuesday afternoon with more rain expected Wednesday and Thursday. Across the state, more than 20 million people are under flood alerts as the risk of mudslides also spreads to the Los Angeles and San Diego areas.CBS News, CNN and other media outlets, for some reason, made the male-to-female transgender and very despicable Ellen DeGenerate headline news in conjunction

Weather Warfare: California Flooding on January 10, 2023 Read the Full Article »

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