Search Results for: fiber damage

Oats — One of the Most Toxic Slave Foods in History

The shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe posted an article yesterday on his website written by some NPC named ‘Ethan Boldt,’ where they call oats a “superfood,” which is as far away from the truth as you can get. Still, a lot of brainwashed and dumbed down people actually believe this – the same people who consume bread, another atrocious slave food. As the article is quite lengthy and it gets every little fact […]

Oats — One of the Most Toxic Slave Foods in History Read the Full Article »

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

Isomaltulose (Palatinose) is Just as Toxic as Any Carbohydrate

Yesterday, May 6, T-Nation posted yet another advertisement article for their useless supplements. It seems most of their articles nowadays are just that – advertisements filled with pseudo-science and utter nonsense. This time they began their “article” with a throwback to the 1950’s and the era of desperate ads by the sugar- and food industry touting sugar as a “superfood” to kill cravings and increase willpower as a countermeasure to health experts that had

Isomaltulose (Palatinose) is Just as Toxic as Any Carbohydrate Read the Full Article »

All Green Juices Are Extremely Toxic

The medical shill-site Healthline is back with a desperate article, trying to justify the extremely toxic ‘green juices’ with a review of ‘celery juice’ while debunking the most ridiculous claims to give an illusion of being “scientific” and presenting a “weighted” opinion. It’s actually quite the hilarious reading if you understand human physiology and are not one of the gullible sheep. Healthline begins their article with the preamble that, “celery juice contains multiple nutrients

All Green Juices Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

The Detox Diet Scam

Today we return to Healthline and a recent article they published on ‘detox diets’ and whether they work or not. Although I’ve touched briefly on this in some articles, let’s see what they have to say on the subject and I’ll break it down. “Your body is capable of cleansing itself without detox diets. However, other aspects of cleanses, including eating nutritious whole foods, may have benefits.” Yes, although your body detoxes from what

The Detox Diet Scam Read the Full Article »

The Pseudo-Science of Weight-Loss in 2024

The shills at Healthline are back with what they call six “Science-Backed Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Sustainably.”At least they start off with telling their readers to ‘cut carbs,’ although it should say ‘cut out carbs,’ as in removing all extremely toxic carbohydrates. Well, let’s see what more they have. “How to lose weight in 6 simple steps…” 1. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables “Aim to include a variety of foods at each

The Pseudo-Science of Weight-Loss in 2024 Read the Full Article »

More Appetite Suppressant Nonsense: Oatzempic Challenge

The growing stupidity of the human race never disappoints. Recently, the government- and Big Pharma shills at Healthline published an article reviewing the “Oatzempic Challenge,” something that allegedly went viral among retarded users of CIA’s “Chinese” spy platform known as TikTok, mostly used by gullible teenagers and young adults still wearing diapers. Here’s the summary by Healthline to get us going: In other words, we had a little Freemasonic CIA plant pretending to be

More Appetite Suppressant Nonsense: Oatzempic Challenge Read the Full Article »

If You Get Hungry, You’re Doing it Wrong!

This morning, on April 7, which also happens to be my 50th birthday, we return to my roots of human physiology, fat-loss, performance, and the bastardized pseudo-scientific field of nutrition, where I’ve worked more than 30 years at the absolute top-level.Today we’ll look at the latest article published by T Nation, a piece on “appetite suppression” written by Chris Shugart, where they claim that you don’t need an expensive injection to curb appetite during

If You Get Hungry, You’re Doing it Wrong! Read the Full Article »

The Broken Gary Brecka Diet

Today we return to the medical shill-website Healthline and their latest attempt at being “neutral” as they reviewed the Gary Brecka Diet, so let’s review their review, as it presents a great opportunity to bust Brecka’s tiny balls. So, who is Gary Brecka? Well, he’s just another “biohacking” charlatan trying to sell you supplements and tailored “nutritional recommendations” based on his “genetic testing kits,” which are complete pseudo-science and nonsense. Healthline describe him as

The Broken Gary Brecka Diet Read the Full Article »

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Are Highly Toxic and Dangerous

Today we return to controlled opposition Dr. Axe of Ancient Nutrition, who with the latest article published on his website, written by the clueless Rachael Link, want you to continuously relapse into illness and bad health, so they can sell you on different diets and supplements. Rachael Link, MS, RD, which apparently stands for “Most Stupid and Retarded Dietician,” begins her article with some grains of truth, only to spiral off into the lies

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Are Highly Toxic and Dangerous Read the Full Article »

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