Search Results for: fiber damage

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained

Once again, Dr. Axe and his crew exemplifies exactly what controlled opposition is all about, telling you one truth while twisting it into a lie. As you might know, Dr. Axe does promote a ketogenic diet, as in a high fat diet that is void of damaging carbohydrates, which is what humans are made for, i.e., running on a fat metabolism and being in ketosis most of the time. However, “ketogenic diets” are only […]

Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained Read the Full Article »

The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term)

Today we return to the supplement-driven Iron Magazine, a website that supposedly is aimed at bodybuilding and fitness, but with retarded crap such as the article we’re about to look at, it’s hard to tell what the heck they are or represent. Once again, it’s the awful and shamefully ignorant writer Matt Weik who this time tackles the fruitarian diet, possibly the worst and most dangerous diet out there, even more so than veganism.

The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term) Read the Full Article »

Histamine Intolerance Is From Damaged Tissue Being Repaired

Once again we return to Iron Magazine, that just like T-Nation is a supplement company disguised as an ‘online-magazine.’ This time, their writer Matt Weik, who has a pretty bad track record when it comes to understanding human physiology and nutrition, tackles the subject of “histamine intolerance.” Let’s see what he has to say and I’ll straighten things out once he begins to fall off the road by dipping his feet into the pseudo

Histamine Intolerance Is From Damaged Tissue Being Repaired Read the Full Article »

Downplaying The Damage of Ultra-Processed Food

Today we return to the government and pharmaceutical disinformation and propaganda website Medical News Today and their latest article on ‘ultra-processed food’ with the claim that it “may raise risk of death by 10%” 10%? Anything that is contraindicated to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet of animal-based foods is going to hurt us and shorten our life-span. So, that is not a 10% risk, that is 100% guarantee! As the dangers of processed

Downplaying The Damage of Ultra-Processed Food Read the Full Article »

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic

Again we return to the crappy supplement-driven Iron Magazine and their writer Matt Weik, who might just have the worst track record in the history of “fitness writers.”This time he tried to tackle linoleic acid, a type of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA.) Let’s see if he manages to get something right this time. “Many believe that too much omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation and heart disease. However, it’s important to understand that

Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic Read the Full Article »

Fruit Is Not Carnivore, Fruit Is Not Even Food — Updated

It’s extremely simple. There is only one species-specific, species-appropriate diet for each category of animal. There is only one way of eating, one natural diet that will maximize health and vitality and let you live a life close to your life expectancy. Going against your physiology and consuming “foods” that are not species-appropriate will severely damage your body and shorten your life-span. Within biology, we can see this with dogs where those who are

Fruit Is Not Carnivore, Fruit Is Not Even Food — Updated Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking:  Gut Microbiome 101 and Type 2 Diabetes

The pharmaceutical shill website Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a ridiculous review of “existing literature” on the gut microbiome and type 2 diabetes. And this “review” is a perfect example of how incredibly indoctrinated, stupid, and backwards thinking the researchers within the medical- and pharmaceutical field are. To be perfectly honest, most researchers totally lack common sense, logic, and insight into other much more important fields, such as physiology, biology,

Backwards Thinking:  Gut Microbiome 101 and Type 2 Diabetes Read the Full Article »

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth?

The shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a new study performed on mice, which should say all you need to know — as mice react differently to various toxins, have a completely different anatomy and organ proportions, have a different metabolic profile, including a different nutrient uptake, processing, and storage. With that said, the study looked at mice with “cancer” and what happened during a refeeding period after fasting

Does Refeeding After Fasting Accelerate Tumor Growth? Read the Full Article »

Backwards Thinking: Heme Iron And Diabetes?

The pharmaceutical-shills at Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a “study” that somehow linked the consumption of red meat and particularly ‘heme iron’ to an increased risk of diabetes. Now, anyone with any sign of intelligence should know that ‘diabetes’ develops as a result of a non-human diet consisting of a lot of carbohydrates and also seed/vegetable oils. If you follow our natural proper human diet that is ketogenic in nature,

Backwards Thinking: Heme Iron And Diabetes? Read the Full Article »

Food For Athletes And Workouts

Today we revisit the shill Dr. Axe and his staff’s latest attempt to write an article about ‘workout nutrition’ and food for athletes. On June 23, I reviewed a similar article from Healthline, which was, well, really bad. Let’s see how this ‘Rachael Link’ does, and I’ll add my thoughts from working at the absolute elite-level in this field for more than 20 years. “It’s no secret that hitting the gym is important when

Food For Athletes And Workouts Read the Full Article »

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