Weather Modification Warfare

What a surprise! London floods on the 25th of July

News of roads and train stations flooding – on the date with weather numerology (25 and 52). Let’s break down this report using Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality to keep us oblivious to how the world really works and what is going on. Gematria is an ancient practice of coding language; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with […]

What a surprise! London floods on the 25th of July Read the Full Article »

Flooding in Europe and China – Weather Warfare

Pictures from the flooding in China, that started about the same time as the flooding in Europe, but continues to build up. We currently see arranged disasters at multiple areas around our world, not only flooding but draught, wild fires and tornados as well. All orchestrated by our governments and the military – weather warfare. And most people are still sleeping, thinking it’s caused by the moon as the Jesuit puppets at NASA claims.

Flooding in Europe and China – Weather Warfare Read the Full Article »

Elsa by the Numbers

Weather Modification: Elsa Strengthens into a Hurricane

Jamaica and Cuba might be hit on Sunday and Monday.Sunday, July 4, has ‘52’ numerology, which give us a hint about why they constructed this Hurricane. July 4, 2021 = 7/4/20/21 = 7+4+20+21 = 52Hurricane: 52Jamaica: 52 Also, ‘52’ is known both as the ‘Hurricane’ and the ‘Flood’ number. Enlil is the Babylonian God of Storms. Earth is one of the four elements.Enlil: 52Earth: 52Flood: 52Climate Change: 52 (Jew Red)Power Outage: 52 You can

Weather Modification: Elsa Strengthens into a Hurricane Read the Full Article »

The Dark Winter is coming

What do they mean by “Dark Winter?”

I received a question about ‘Dark Winter’, what it means, so here is my short take on it: Originally, “Operation Dark Winter” from 2001 was an exercise/simulation describing a bioweapon attack on the U.S., very much like the fake and staged Convid-1984 with lockdowns and such. “Dark Winter” has the Gematria of 123, just like “Outbreak”, and 51 just like “Great War” and “World Fooled.”It also has the number ‘66’ as Corona, Corona Covid-19,

What do they mean by “Dark Winter?” Read the Full Article »

Portland record temperature

Record High Temperature in Portland by the Numbers! Hinting at Power Outages!

Portland had a little taste of weather modification warfare this past weekend as they were hit with record high temperatures. All-time high was 107, but on Saturday it reached 108, on Sunday it hit 112 and on Monday, for the third day in a row, it reached a record setting high temperature of 116 degrees.I wonder who reported these figures? Someone instructed by their overlord using Gematria. Let’s break this down. On the record-high

Record High Temperature in Portland by the Numbers! Hinting at Power Outages! Read the Full Article »

Apocalypse of Ice – Another Predictive Programming and Conditioning piece of crap movie – and a few words on “Climate Change”

Oooh, the earth has been hit with an imaginary la-la-virus plandemic (sound familiar) and then, boom, a ‘climate crisis’ with a new ‘ice age’ looming. Yeah, we’ve seen similar programming in Snowpiercer and Train to Busan. This is just a hint to the weather modification that has been going on, especially in the US with longer and colder winters to force GMO crops on farmers and to hint on future food shortages. And also,

Apocalypse of Ice – Another Predictive Programming and Conditioning piece of crap movie – and a few words on “Climate Change” Read the Full Article »

From the silly headlines, what lies ahead… A few thoughts and speculation.

I see more and more ‘news stories’ that hints to the possibility that the fantasy Corona ‘Covid-19’ has begun to disappear. That it has run its course.At the same time, they are very keen on pointing out the lie that the rate of contagion, the spread of infection, is still rising. This is of course pure bollocks, since contagion is based on a Rockefeller-sponsored lie. We cannot transmit diseases. But this lie is very

From the silly headlines, what lies ahead… A few thoughts and speculation. Read the Full Article »

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