Politics / Government

The World Stage: 141 Countries Voted to Condemn Russia all by the Numbers – And a Few Words on the China-Russia Connection

On March 2, the U.N. General Assembly condemned the staged and fake Russian invasion of Ukraine that all countries are in on together. Of the 193 member states, 181 participated in the vote. Of those, 141 countries allegedly supported the resolution condemning Moscow, and five were against it – including Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea. Thirty-five countries abstained, but their numbers do not affect the two-thirds majority needed for adoption. Remember, the […]

The World Stage: 141 Countries Voted to Condemn Russia all by the Numbers – And a Few Words on the China-Russia Connection Read the Full Article »

Biden’s ‘State of the Union’ Speech – a 102 / 201 Ritual

The Jesuit puppet Joe Biden held his State of the Union speech late yesterday. Conveniently, March 1st was exactly the 102nd day after his birthday on November 20, and his speech was exactly 62 minutes long, or 1h 02min, as in 102. And the main focus of his address was of course the ongoing 102 / 201 ritual in Ukraine. Russian Invasion = 102Russian Jesuits = 102World War = 102Art of War = 102

Biden’s ‘State of the Union’ Speech – a 102 / 201 Ritual Read the Full Article »

Zelenskyy Makes Plea to European Parliament – Here is Wisdom

Look at that clip from CNN, zooming in on the seats 13 to 18, just as in Revelation 13:18 that we know all too well by now. “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” This is of course a pun to Putin, who plays Satan in this staged theatrical act of war. And today is

Zelenskyy Makes Plea to European Parliament – Here is Wisdom Read the Full Article »

The Month of March, Skull and Bones, and March 4 and Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Tomorrow will be March 1st, and it will be the third month of the year ’22, as in 3/22 or 322. As many of you know, 322 is the number associated with Order 322, or Skull and Bones, the Elite Fraternity out of Yale University, the Freemasonic HQ for Northern America. The symbolism of Skull and Bones comes from an ‘ossuary’, which has a Gematria of 911, as in 9/11, the psy-op by the

The Month of March, Skull and Bones, and March 4 and Volodymyr Zelenskyy Read the Full Article »

Staged and Fake ‘Home-Made’ Videos from Ukraine on Social-Media

Anyone who has followed real life feeds and/or talked with people in Ukraine know that nothing is going on. Still, there is a lot of shills and disinformation agents spreading staged as well as faked videos on social media for the gullible masses. Trying to convince the diet woke, who know that media lies about everything, that there actually is a war – not just as ‘intense’ as described on the news. We have

Staged and Fake ‘Home-Made’ Videos from Ukraine on Social-Media Read the Full Article »

CNN Mocks its Audience with Footage of Russian Missile Hitting a Building on the Anniversary of the ’93 WTC Bombing

Thank you, Zach, for covering this, as you have previously exposed the WTC bombings and the 9/11 Twin Tower Psy-Op in extreme detail. And if you wonder about the uncertainty in their headline, “video shows missile or rocket striking Kyiv building,” …was it a rocket or a missile? The answer is in the coding. “Video shows missile or rocket striking Kyiv building” = 666 Here’s Zach’s text: You have to love the 47-second time

CNN Mocks its Audience with Footage of Russian Missile Hitting a Building on the Anniversary of the ’93 WTC Bombing Read the Full Article »

The Russian-Ukraine Theatre Coded in 24 and 42

As a great addition to exposing the lies, the media fraud, and adding to my decodings, Anthony Davison has been posting his work on the 24- and 42-connections to this staged and fake war. All scripted by the numbers. The world is a stage. Remember, this all started on February 24, 42 weeks from the anniversary of Putin taking office and 4 weeks and 2 days from Zelensky’s birthday.Russia is 24 and they invaded

The Russian-Ukraine Theatre Coded in 24 and 42 Read the Full Article »

Call of Duty: Warzone Released 102-Weeks Before Russia’s Staged Invasion of Ukraine and Black Ops Released with 666-Numerology

The ‘first person shooter’ game ‘Call of Duty: Warzone’ was released on March 20, 2020, exactly 102-weeks before troops allegedly were sent into Ukraine on February 21, 2022. The title ‘Warzone’ sums to 102. 102 as in the reflection of the Jesuit number 201 used in this staged invasion. 102 is also a number connected with ‘Russian Invasion,’ ‘Art of War,’ and ‘World War.’ More interesting, their ‘Verdansk map’ is heavily inspired and modelled

Call of Duty: Warzone Released 102-Weeks Before Russia’s Staged Invasion of Ukraine and Black Ops Released with 666-Numerology Read the Full Article »

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