Corona Virus / Covid-19

Posts about the fake planned-pandemic, about the Clade X and Event 201 simulations tied to the fake outbreak, the fact that Viruses does not exist and that Vaccines are utterly useless and harmful.

Rewriting their “Science” as they go… “Herd Immunity”

If you’ve done your research, you know that Viruses do not exist as we’ve been told. They are just debris from our own detoxification and cleaning cycle. There is no contagion found in nature. It’s common sense, or there would be no life. Still, they have to keep their lie alive, even though they change it all the time – and most people are too stupid to notice or even questioning it…

Rewriting their “Science” as they go… “Herd Immunity” Read the Full Article »

“Theragrippers” used to deliver medicine by swabs, like a PCR swab test

This is from November, 2020 and might very well be in use already. “Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body.” “The Johns Hopkins researchers fabricated the devices with about 6,000 theragrippers per 3-inch silicon wafer. In their animal experiments, they loaded a pain-relieving drug onto the grippers.

“Theragrippers” used to deliver medicine by swabs, like a PCR swab test Read the Full Article »

How to Remain Sane in an Insane World

A few thoughts thrown together on how to think and get through this crazy story we find ourselves in when being able to see through all the theatre. This is for the woke people out there – my brothers and sisters. When you are surrounded with the kind of insanity that is going on in the world today, and you’re not part of that indoctrinated hive mind, you will need coping strategies and a

How to Remain Sane in an Insane World Read the Full Article »

Jesuit Puppet Donald Trump Launches Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020

“Operation Warp Speed was a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.” Of course, they must make it silly and use words from Star Trek.— “Helm, Warp One. Engage!” Let’s look at this story using their language of choice, gematria – combining the letter, with the number and the word. Operation Warp Speed: 266, 95Iesus Hominum Salvator: 266

Jesuit Puppet Donald Trump Launches Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020 Read the Full Article »

No Virus Has Ever Been Isolated! Three Questions to Ask The Idiots.

If any indoctrinated doctor, or sheeple, goes on about the fake Coronavirus, please ask them to provide some proof of their statement by answering these three questions: Is there any electron micrograph of the pure and fully characterized virus? What is the name of the primary specialist peer-reviewed paper of which the virus is illustrated, and its full genetic information is described? What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof that

No Virus Has Ever Been Isolated! Three Questions to Ask The Idiots. Read the Full Article »

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus

Have you studied the history of modern medicine? How Pasteur lied and manufactured false evidence of the germ theory and how one of the thirteen ruling bloodlines of Rockefeller ran with the idea and founded modern medicine? Have you looked into the germ theory and the healthy terrain? Or psychoneuroimmunology, physiology, the biome, pathogens, somatid’s (or microzyma’s), pleomorphism, chemistry, and mycotoxins? And what about sickness and secondary sickness? If you have an understanding of

What do you believe? The MORONa-virus Read the Full Article »

WHO declare Coronavirus a Pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the numbers!

This story broke on March 11, 2020, the 71st day of the year. Keep in mind that March 11 can be written 11/3, like 113. Coronavirus Pandemic: 113 And in the Talmud, Baba Kamma 113a, it says, “Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile”.Talmud: 71 (March 11, the 71st day of the year) And, what is the most Jewish branch of Freemasonry? Yes, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.Scottish: 113 And remember that

WHO declare Coronavirus a Pandemic on March 11, 2020, by the numbers! Read the Full Article »

The Coronavirus Scam

February 21, 2020. Sheesh. The Coronavirus… Seriously?! After the Clade-X Virus simulation and then Bill gate’s Event 201 Simulation – just as we predicted?! Whether you believe it’s a hoax (it is!), an actual bio-weapon (it’s not, lol!), or a little of both (nah) – it’s all fear mongering driven by the Globalist Elites and Big Pharma to further agenda 21/2030 – just like the climate change hoax. If you understand pleomorphism, the falsehood

The Coronavirus Scam Read the Full Article »

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