As Predicted, Joe Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Presidential Race — Endorses Kamala Harris

As we’ve said for several years now, the actor playing the demented Joe Biden would drop out of the 2024 presidential race, paving the way for Kamala Harris and the Obamas. As this story is developing and CNN has more than 155 posts, I will only cover the basics of this ritual on the world stage and why this announcement came on July 21, 2024.

The most obvious clue is the 72-date numerology of July 21, as 72 is connected to both presidential candidates in Biden and Trump, to the Jesuit Order who runs the show, as well as the phrase that the media, and CNN in particular, has run with, that of “Biden drops out.”
And remember, Biden is said to have dropped out because of the pressure from the Democratic Party. Also, Biden became Senator-elect in ‘72 and he lost his son Beau when he was 72-years old.

7/21/2024 = 7 + 21 + 20 + 24 = 72

Biden Drops Out = 72, 72
Jesuit Order = 72, 72 (we’ll get to them later)
President Biden = 72
President Trump = 72
Democratic Party = 72

This code goes hand-in-hand with July 21 being exactly 8 months and 1 day, as in 81, after Joe Biden’s November 20 birthday. 81 is the second number that is also tied to both Biden and Trump. Also keep in mind that Biden allegedly received 81 million votes in the 2020 election, which of course was scripted by the numbers. And again, all these scripted events are rituals.

President Biden = 81, 81, 81
President Trump = 81, 81 ,81
Ritual = 81, 81
Masons = 81, 81

President Joe Biden announced that he dropped out of the race on July 21, a span of 17 weeks and 4 days, as in 174, before his birthday.

President Joe Biden = 174

July 21, when Joseph Biden announced that he dropped out of the race, was also 107 days before the US election on November 5.

Joseph Biden = 107
Biden-Harris = 107 (we’ll get to Harris in a bit)
Joseph Robinette Biden = 107

Or you could say that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. dropped out of the race at a span of 108 days before the US election.

Biden Drops Out Of The Race = 108
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. = 108

You could also say that ‘Biden is out’ 15 weeks and 2 days, like 152, before the election.

Biden is Out = 152
Joe Biden = 152

And Joe Biden endorsed Kamala Devi Harris as the next ‘female president.’

Kamala Devi Harris = 152
Female President = 152

Of course, counting the end-date, it was 15 weeks and 3 days, like 153, before the election. And the headlines shouted, “Biden drops out of presidential race.”

Biden Drops Out Of Presidential Race = 153
Jesuit Order = 153 (and we’ll get to them next)

Joe Biden is the second Catholic President of the United States. The Catholic Church and their Jesuit Order is the instrument of the elite families that govern this world. They have absolute power, and all governments and presidents are merely their puppets, their actors on the world stage. July 21 was a span of 35 weeks after Joe Biden’s birthday. 35 is the number associated with Catholicism and Jesuitism, as in the theology and practices of the Catholic Church and the Jesuits.

Catholic = 35
Jesuitism = 35
Democrats = 35

The Christogram of the Jesuit Order is IHS, which reads as “Iesus Hominum Salvator,” a phrase often coded into political scripted stories, especially concerning the president as he is their puppet. While the announcement came on July 21, the plans were set in motion on July 20, exactly 274 days after Vice President Kamala Harris’ birthday, the nominee pointed out by Joe Biden. That also means that July 20 was a span of 244 days or 244 days exactly on July 21 after Biden’s birthday, and July 21 was 122 days before his upcoming birthday.

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274, 122, 244

Typically, July 20, when the plans were set in motion, is the very Jesuit 201st day of the year. However, as 2024 is a leap-year, July 20 was the 202nd day of the year, which goes perfectly with DC being the (202) area code. Also, Kamala Harris was the 27th District Attorney of San Francisco, which in reverse equals 202.
Biden endorsed Kamala as the Democratic candidate for the 2024 presidential race, and July 20 was exactly 123 days before his birthday while the announcement on July 21 was a span of 123 days when counting the end-date before his birthday.

Kamala = 123
US Election = 123

Kamala was born on October 20, and the endorsement on July 21 came 91 days before her birthday and 9 months and 1 day, as in 91, after her last birthday. That is two 91’s, and who is running the show? Yes, The Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order.

The Society of Jesus = 91

And as you know, The Society of Jesus ‘serves’ (as in complete rulership) in 112 countries.

Kamala Harris = 112

Now, there’s much more to this ritual. However, it’s been an hour and my time for this morning is almost up. The question is whether they will remove Joe Biden before the election due to some ‘health emergency,’ and make Kamala the first “female president” for a few weeks to mock the masses.

While I have not had the time to look into all her numbers and dates, there is an interesting number that does show up, that of ‘222.’ As you know, ‘222’ is connected to Donald Trump and him being the ‘Seventh King,’ the king that will come back and rule before the Antichrist returns.

President Kamala Harris = 222
President Harris = 222

Seventh King Trump = 222
Donald John Trump Sr = 222

And what happened on the 222nd day of Kamala’s age this year? That was May 29 and Joe Biden made a tweet on X where he mentioned Kamala, ‘Black Americans,’ and of course Trump. His handler wrote, “Folks, if anyone is wondering whether your vote matters, remember this. Because Black Americans voted, I am president, Kamala Harris is a historic vice president, and Donald Trump is a loser.

And again, all this happened on July 21, 15 weeks and 2 days before the election, as in 152.

Kamala Devi Harris = 152
Female President = 152

We’ll see. But it would not surprise me.

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