Website and Life Updates

We’re approaching the end of May and here in the lower middle of Sweden, we’ve finally had almost three weeks of decent weather with close to two weeks with a lot of sun and somewhat “warm” temperatures, ranging between 20C and 24C (64F and 75F.) With that said, southern Sweden has had temperatures ranging from 22C to 28C (83F.) However, last year, summer practically ended after ‘midsummer,’ in late June with rain and cold weather all through the rest of the year. So, thus far, this year has been a lot colder than normal. Hopefully we’ll get a few more weeks of sun this year.

Since we had some sun, I’ve been outside with friends and our dogs from anywhere of a total of 7 to 9 hours a day. I’ve also spent some more time with my father at his apartment. Unfortunately, the retirement home will close at the end of this year, so we will soon have to get rid of some of his stuff and move him to a new location. The new apartment will, however, be only half the size of the current one, if even that. But the location is better, and with much better access to the outdoors. As of now, he’s mostly inside, content with watching sports, something we hope to change.

As for this website ‘’ I’m still writing and publishing one free article every morning, usually between 5.00 am and 7.00 am. However, at times, since I train at the gym with my brother, we might train around 7.00 a.m., and while the article usually is finished, I do not have time to edit and publish it until I get home. So, sometimes, the article will be up at around 9 am instead of 7 am.
With that out of the way, we’re also approaching the time of the year when the webhosting services need to be paid, which in total is about 4522 SEK, or $420 USD. As always, donations are welcome to help to keep this site running.

Last year’s webhosting expenses.

Of course, you are also welcome to help my work by register as a member of our uncensored community Even if you do not want to participate, there is a lot of valuable information on that website, and it’s also a great way to sponsor my ongoing work instead of simply donating. The choice is yours.

And anything above that sum which keeps the website going will help with the rest of the bills, as I do sacrifice two or more hours everyday for publishing free stuff, which actually is a daily loss of two hours not getting paid (as in removing one fourth of your salary.) Still, it’s more than worth it to help people, and it’s also the only kind of “advertisement” I do for my coaching and consultation services and for my planned books.

And with that said, I’m working on a new and better web shop for my previous books that might still be of interest — and to have a functional platform for the ones I’m planning on writing, and working on as we speak.

As for my “exercise regimen,” nothing has changed. Lifting weights at the gym is a part of who I am, and the gym is my sanctuary and a way to keep a functional and strong body, without going overboard with it. As I said before, we only train for about 35 minutes, three to four times a week. That is less than two hours a week on average, and I do not go to ‘muscular failure,’ as in taking the sets so far that I no longer can move the weight. That kind of training might only happen occasionally on smaller ‘isolation movements,’ which do not tax the body that much.

May 26, 2024, 8:44 a.m. relaxed physique photo at 50+.

Remember, exercise is stress, and excessive stress wears on the body and accelerates the ageing process. So, instead of doing some manual labor, I hit the weights a few times a week, for about half an hour. It’s a good tradeoff between keeping the body strong, functional, and resilient, while limiting the damage and the ageing.

Of course, the most important thing to keep you young, strong and healthy is your nutrition. And as humans are living beings like any other animal, we need to eat what is species-appropriate and species specific, and not what we have been deceived to eat through programming and psychological warfare.

Humans are obligate hyper carnivores; we are designed to consume other animals. It’s a simple as that. Anything else is damaging to us. And consuming only meat, organ meat, and animal fats is how I healed my tumors, my failing organs, my asthma, my allergies, and all my old injuries, and how I continue to heal and improve my health, even as I’ve now passed my 50th birthday.

And yes, my bodyweight is still around 76 kg (167 lbs.) to my 173 cm (5”8’.)

May 23, 2024, 07:53 a.m. after chest/back training session, finding that backwards-tilted angle where you actually look like you lift.

I stay fairly lean, but not exactly ripped, because I do not really care – but I do feel and perform my best at a low body fat percentage, as there is nothing unnecessary to carry around. If I want to lean out, I only need to dry fast for a souple of days, and I’ll be ripped. Or only cut out dairy completely, as I do take dog walks for a total of 15km or more every day most of the year (9.3 miles,) so my energy requirements are pretty high, which is why I do have some dairy in my diet. Especially now when the weather is a bit nicer and I’m outside most of the days and likely double that milage.

And that’s it for this time. Not much has changed. And for fun, I threw in some photos simply to show how easy it is to maintain a little bit of muscle mass with minimal training and following our natural human species-specific way of eating.

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