
Animal-Based/Carnivore Diet and Fat Loss Online Coaching

This is only a quick and friendly reminder of my online coaching services, as my workload is once again somewhat low. In other words, now is the perfect time to contact me and change your life forever. Please note that I’ve added a “simple carnivore package” for those with adequate knowledge of our natural diet and are only looking to transition into our natural carnivorous way of eating (and not in need of a […]

Animal-Based/Carnivore Diet and Fat Loss Online Coaching Read the Full Article »

Nutritional Coaches, Nutritionists, and Dieticians

I’ve always been a forerunner within the fitness industry. Even before my real awakening in 2018, I never considered becoming a registered nutritionist or dietician, even though I had the educational background and years of experience. I could easily have provided the answers they were looking for, but that would have meant that I had compromised what I knew was right. Even back then, in the late 90’s, I knew that carbohydrates were bad

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Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science”

Since childhood, you’ve been programmed to respect, listen to, and not question anything from authority figures, preferable in white coats and with a funny name, no matter how stupid or mocking their suggestions or “facts” are. A perfect example of this was the staged and fake Coronavirus pandemic where the most indoctrinated puppets put on face diapers, refrained from even meeting or hugging loved ones, lined up 6 feet apart when outside, and even

Coaches, Dieticians, Nutritionists, and the Tale of Nutrients, Toxins and “Science” Read the Full Article »

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained

As you might know, I worked in the Gym-, Fitness-, Health-, Sports-, Supplement-, and Pharmaceutical Industry as both a Coach/Trainer, Scientist, Educator, Writer/Author, and Editor in Chief for more than 28 years combined. I began coaching in the early 90’s, and I still do. However, I left the industries all together in 2017 when I faced death from tumors and failing organs, and then learned that everything I thought I knew about nutrition, supplements,

Dieter’s Phobia: Catabolism Explained Read the Full Article »

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy)

While gaining too much muscle is unhealthy, as it is a continuous metabolic stress on the body, and more importantly, the training volume and frequency necessary to gain said muscle mass, is extremely unhealthy and will age you quicker while subtracting years of your life expectancy – however, being a skinny fat and/or underweight and fragile pencil neck is not really healthy either. With that said, any kind of excessive training is very unhealthy,

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Non-Linear Diet for ‘Lifters’ (What We Actually Did in the Past)

Welcome back to a little article review. This time we’re going back to T-Nation and an article from Chris Shugart, their ‘chief content officer.’ The article is called ‘The Non-Linear Diet for Lifters’ and is a take on the semi-recent study of ‘Intermittent Energy Restriction’ by Bill I. Campbell et al. from 2020. Chris begins his article by setting the stage by claiming that losing weight is easy, as it’s ‘basic calorie math’ and

Non-Linear Diet for ‘Lifters’ (What We Actually Did in the Past) Read the Full Article »

7 Beginner Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid

Yes, I do get requests to check out different health, fitness, and nutrition articles at times, and this one was just too funny not to make a little review out of. The article is about “7 beginner nutrition mistakes” and is written by Roger “Rock” Lockridge for the supplement store and publishing company Muscle and Strength, very similar to T-Nation, but a few steps behind. The article begins with the following premise: “When it

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