This Thursday, on March 7, 2024, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson handed over the final documentation to the U.S. government, officially making Sweden the 32nd member of NATO.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military organization founded on April 4, 1946, as a step towards the Totalitarian World State, a One World Government, in the same manner as the United Nations. In the past, NATO was used in semi-real wars such as in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
However, as technology has advanced and the World Stage stepped into the computer era where everything is fake and staged, NATO lost it original purpose and is now simply used as a conditioning tool for a “world alliance,” a “world government,” and as a decoy, upholding the illusion of wars and terror threats being real. This was recently seen in the totally fake and staged war in Ukraine, where everything was done by computer generated images, small local movie sets on street corners, and inflatable props — a fake war which was also used as an excuse to draw Sweden into NATO without too much protests from its sleeping and gullible citizens. Especially considered that Sweden has had the false image of being “neutral” for more than 200 years, when in truth, Sweden has been run by the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church and the Freemasons longer than most countries.
As this was a Jesuit and Freemasonic ritual on the world stage where everything is an illusion, it was all coded by the numbers.
The Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson handed over the accession documents to Antony Blinken on March 7, exactly 69 days after his December 29 birthday, making Sweden the ‘32nd member of NATO,” a member of their vision for a New World Order governed by the World Powers (the Jesuits and the Elite families.)

32nd Member of NATO = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69
Catholic Church = 69

Antony Blinken = 69
New World Order = 69
The World Powers = 69
March 7 was also a span of 298 days before Kristersson’s next birthday, a number that equals the reverse sum of his full name, making it a perfect day for a ritual where he took part.

Ulf Hjalmar Kristersson = 298
The “accession documents” were handed over by Kristersson on March 7, the 67th day of the year because, according to Kristersson, “alone isn’t strong.”

Accession Documents = 67
Alone Isn’t Strong = 67
NATO was founded on April 4, and Sweden became a member on March 7, a span of 29 days before the anniversary of the military organization.

Sweden = 29, 29
Of course, not counting the end-date, you could say that Sweden became a member 28 days before NATO’s anniversary.

Sweden = 28
Jesuitism = 28
They used “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” as an excuse and to make the fake war look more real (as it made both Finland and Sweden join NATO because of Putin and his Jesuit-controlled Russia.) On that premise, Sweden joined NATO at a span of 339 days after its last anniversary, and a span of 159 days after the anniversary of the current Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg assuming office on October 1st.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine = 339, 159
March 7 came with a short 34-date numerology. They claim Sweden joined because of Ukraine.
3/7/24 = 3 + 7 + 24 = 34

Sweden = 34
Ukraine = 34
March 7 also came with a full 54 date-numerology. And since this is a story about a military organization, the Chaldean cipher is quite relevant. And in short, it was about Ulf Kristersson making a former ‘neutral country’ into a ‘member of NATO.’
3/7/2024 = 3 + 7 + 20 + 24 = 54

Ulf Kristersson = 54
Neutral Country = 54
Member of NATO = 54
The Jesuit Order = 54
And in the standard English reduction ciphers we see who wrote the script.

Freemasonic = 54
Masonic Rite = 54
Jesuit Order = 54
And on that note, did you remember when NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg assumed office? Yes, October 1st, 2014, and this ritual on March 7 came exactly a Jesuit and Freemasonic 5 months and 6 days after his anniversary, as in 56.

Masonic Ritual = 56
Society of Jesus = 56 (aka., The Jesuit Order)
Freemasons = 56
And with that, I’m out of time for this morning. There is a lot more to the coding of this story, especially if you pick out the lines in quotes by the media. However, the important point is that this was simply another scripted ritual for the World Stage, slowly conditioning the masses towards a One World Government Totalitarian World State while keeping the illusion of war and terror and the need for military alliances and military power. In truth, all countries have been run by the same people for decades now. It’s all theatre to slowly herd the masses and the new generations towards their vision.